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Question: Good romance story ideas!?!?!?!?!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
well it has a lot of romance to it but it is about vampires but awesome books(the vampire diaries 1the awakeing 2the struggle 3the fury 4dark reunion)L!.J SMITH

the song of the sparrow is the best book i have ever read!. camelot mythology has a lot of romance in it!. lisa ann sandell

Weight of the sky
same has the song of the sparrow but not camelot mythology!. lisa ann snadell

Water Song
suzanne weyn

Maximum Ride
more action than romance though but really good book!. there 4 of them

twilight series
vampire/romance but if u r in 2 romance u will be hooked the first day u read it!. there 3 right now breaking dawn the 4th one is coming out august 2 if u r enterestedWww@QuestionHome@Com

Conjoined twins married to two different men fight for acceptance in a rural town in North Dakota!.Www@QuestionHome@Com