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Question: Can someone please spell their name correctly!.!.!.!?
John Bullet - hes from Harvard


i think its Robin!.!.!. Wmida!?!? (its hard to tell from sloppy handwriting)---Hes a philosopher

if you can get one its fine, thanks!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
There was a Harvard professor of literature by the name of John Bullitt, is that who you're thinking of!?

I don't know the second one!.!.!.can you tell us *any* more!? Is he a modern philosopher!? I found a modern writer/philosopher by the name of Robin Sharma, but that's the closest I could find without any more information!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

t-h-e-i-r n-a-m-eWww@QuestionHome@Com