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Question: I want to get an editor and have my book published!?
I wrote a true story that I would love to have published!. Does anyone know of any good publishing companies/editors that can help me!? I am 14 (15 in a few days), and in the US!. Please helpWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I know you have done a whole book but why dont you choose a 100 words of the book to be maybe published this way it can get you recognised!.

Heya are you a writer just waiting to get discovered!? Think you got what it takes to get your work published!? I’m representing the NSPCC and Childline to tell you about the great competition running!. It’s trying to get the message across if it matters to you then it matters to Childline!.

All you have to do it write 100 words on something that matters to you it could be about fashion, football, and clothes or even about you!. You can either email me your entry and ill upload it to the website or enter yourself at www!.spinebreakers!.co!.uk

The winners will have their entry published in a book and the three top winners will win a years supply of penguin books!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Greeting Field Daisy,
You and I are in the same boat except that I've been on the planet for over 50 years!.

I have a chance of getting my 1st young adult book published!. It's a family action-adventure fiction work!. I just love it and can't wait to get to the next page as I'm working on it!

I need and agent to help me also find a publisher who will take me on and get it published and "distributed!."

I bought this book (about $30!.00) at "Border's;" Entitled, "Children's, Writer's & Illustrator's market," by Alice Pope, Editor!. It has quite a good listing of publishing companies that you might find helpful!.

Bless you and I wish you the best,

Old Grand Paw-Paw PaulWww@QuestionHome@Com

People is their 50s don't get their book published!. You're only 15!. What chance have you got!?

I suggest you send your story to a magazine first and hope it will be published!. If it's long, they can produce it in chapters!.

Look, I'm not saying that you have absolutely no chance!. But it' almost impossible!.

Do you know Roald Dahl!? He was a famous writer who wrote children's books!. He wrote a short story and it was called " How I became a writer" I read it and you know what!?

He said that you can't just become a writer!. You need to have another profession as well!. I mean, you have to be somebody first!. A doctor or something!. Roald Dahl worked in an oil company and as a pilot in Africa!.

You're young so!.!.!. you still have a long way to go!.

If you're lucky enough, you'll get a one year contract when you're 20 or most likely in the 30s or 40s!.

Good Luck!. :)

I really hope you get your dream of getting your book published!. And hey, if it does!.!.!. Just tell me the name!. I'll be he first in line to get it!.!.!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Chaos Queen: I'd LOVE to see the statistics you have backing up your stupid--pardon me, ludicrous--statement that people over 50 don't publish!. Just off the top of my head Mary Higgins Clark, Belva Plain, Maeve Binchy-- women as starters!.Www@QuestionHome@Com