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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Is the book Salem's Lot by Stephen King a good book to read?

Question: Is the book Salem's Lot by Stephen King a good book to read!?
I bought a bunch of Stephen King's books a while back!. I'm a fan of his books!. I haven't had a chance to read this one yet and I need a new book to start on!. Some of his books are a bit boring at the beginning but get better later on, is Salem's Lot like this or is it addicting from the beginning!? What do you think, is Salem's Lot a good book for me to start on or do you reccomend another one of his books before it!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I read constantly!. Always have!. But I rarely read a fiction book more than once!. But I've read King's "Salem's Lot" four times over the years and I'll certainly read it again! Yes it starts a little slowly but this is because King takes the time to flesh out both his characters and the town!. This way, once the action does start, the reader is already interwoven into the fabric of the story and this makes it all the better!
Read it!. You won't be disappointed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Salem's Lot is a difficult book to read at first, or at least it was for me!. There seem to be like 50 main characters, and it skips around a lot, so I actually kept a list of people in the book so I could reference it if I couldn't remember someone!. It's a really good book though, you should read it!.

If you haven't read "The Green Mile", that's a really good one as well!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Salem's Lot is my absolute favorite of his books, and by far the scariest!. Like with most books, the action builds throughout, so while you could say that the beginning is slower than the rest of the novel, I didn't find any of it to be slow!. I'd definitely recommend it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, it was the first of his that I read and haven't stopped!.
But if you have seen the movie just ignore it, it has many differences that lessens the story King tried wrote!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, if you're going to read it, why not now!? No time like the present!.!.!. though the movie 'salems lot' sucked horribly!.


ive heard that salems lot is fantastic:]Www@QuestionHome@Com

It was the first Stephen King book I ever read and I have been a fan since!.