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Question: I need to write a book!?
I was with my best friend today, and I was explaining how I loved to write!.
She said, 'For my birthday,i want a book!. No 5 or 15 pages- a full out book!.' (Her birthday was last week, so I have about a year!.)
I think im going to do it!. For her, and to get better at writing!. It wouldent be a laborious task, either!.
I just need advice- how can i get started!? I have no idea what to write about, or anything!.
I would plan on writing at least one page a day!. That would add up after a while!.
I'm not interested in publishing it, I just want to write it for my friend, as a gift!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Since this is a gift for your friend, why not make her the main character!? Or at least name the main character after her, and give her lots of adventures that she might only dream about, like traveling to a far away place or meeting famous people!. Why not put yourself in it too!?

Have fun!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Work out what sort of book your friend wants first!. Don't write a thriller if she hates them!. It's very hard to stick with an idea because you always get loads of new ones so choose something that you'd actually want to work on for a year!.Www@QuestionHome@Com