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Question: Does anyone have an analysis of Breaking Dawn!?!?!?
i want to know!
cant wait for the book!
give me new ideas!!!!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

refering to the cover of breaking dawn:
1!. COLOR: we notice that the main color is a white queen chess piece, unlike the other covers of the twilight series the main color is red!. i think that white represents more of the vampire side, we can infer that the queen chess piece relates to bella becoming a vampire!.
2!. QUEEN: the queen chess piece is the strongest piece of chess game, which can represent the strength bella gains in breaking dawn!.
=i think that bella will become dominant in a certain way, possibly by becoming a vampire!.
3!. In the cover we also notice that there is a red pawn piece!. this could represent her weak and human side!.

We also learn through SM that the book relates to Shakespears Midsummers night dream:
1!. CONFLICT OF LOVE: Edward loves bella, bella loves edward (in a way jacob as well), jacob love bella, but who loves jacob!? We do know that jacob has not imprinted yet and therefore in breaking down he might find the girl who he is going to imprint!.
2!. REALITY VS APPEARANCE: in the cover and my analysis of the chess pieces above, although bella could appear dominant, the red pawn piece could represent the reality-which is she is STILL human and still has weakness!.

Dawn: suggests the notions of illumination and hope, the beginning of a new day and a chance for happiness and improvement!. It is a symbol of birth, rebirth, of awakening!.

In breaking dawn, it is possibly about the process of bella becoming into a vampire!. (ex!. the red weak pawn moving up to white queen pawn) She might use her power to fight the volturi, to protect her loved ones!. Although she appears to be strong and a dominant figure she could still have her human weakness, considering she is a newborn vampire!. (appearance vs!. reality)

Since Jacob hasnt imprinted yet, it is possible that he could imprint on someone, possibly leah!? Then, bella probably would get jealous of this incident!. (appearance vs!. reality) Like in the quote of the book of breaking dawn, it can be infered that she is doubting what she is saying!. It uses the word "forever" and she can only be with Edward forever, if they both become vampires!. So this could bring us back to the chess pieces, her strong love for her edward (vampire, queen, white, strong, dominant) but secretly and deep inside she still loves jacob (werewolf, pawn, red [representing warmth of blood], weak)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

hmmmmm yea normal ^^^^^^^^^^^

i discovered something shocking today! i just bought the special edition elclipse and skiped straight to the preview of breaking dawn (as ive already read the series before):
(massive skip)
!.!.!. You could run from someone you feared, you could fight someone you hated!. All my reactions were geared towards those kinds of killers - the monsters, the enemies!.
When you loved the one killing you, it left you no options!. How could you run, how could you fight, when doing so would hurt that beloved one!? If your life was all you had to give your beloved, how could you not give it!?
If it was someone you truely loved!?"

You know how the prefaces are always the cryptic thoughts of Bella at the climax!. Well this definately has to mean she becomes a vampire because she is "giving her life" for the one she loves!. I think its her thoughts as she is about to become changed!.
exciting huh!
sorry i really dont have time to type up more than that!
ps: am i the only person who has noticed the way the title "breaking dawn is written!?!?!? the letter 'k' is in grey while the rest is written in the same colour white as usual!. weird!.
i never quite understood why the writing for eclipse had a gold title!. IF ANYONE KNOWS WHY PLEASE ANSWER!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

okay i don't know anymore about it then anyone else but i have read the first chapter and stuff so, I'll give it a shot!. okay so in the preface it says "what if it was the person you loved who was trying to kill you" i think Bella becomes a vampire and Jacob is so, appalled, horrified, furious, and most of all, hurt, that he tries to kill Bella!. also i don't think this is going to be a happy la-dee-da story where everything happens like us readers want it to!. something is going to happen, something big!. there is going to be someone, or something, new!. or the volturri come!. maybe one of the cullens dies!? maybe somebody stops loving somebody else!. maybe there won't be a happy ending!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com