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Question: Tonks questions!?
Okay, once again, this is for a fanfiction I'm writing!.

1, What is Tonks's boggart!?
2!. What is her biggest secret!?
3!. Favorite magical creature!? (if you have a particular reason why you chose that creature, please list it as well!)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I'm a huge Tonks fan!. Here is what I think (it would be helpful to know what age we are talking about here):

1!. I would say Tonks' boggart would have to be either the death of a loved one or being alone!.

2!. I would say her biggest secret (if she were a child) would be secretly using her power to change her appearance as an advantage to gain popularity!. As an adult, it might be that she loves Lupin, or if the time frame is when they are together, maybe wishing she was a werewolf as well so she could spend more time with Remus and make him feel better!.

3!. A werewolf (because she loves Lupin) or maybe something that makes her remember Mad-Eye Moody!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!. I think Tonks' boggart would take the form of an old and withered Tonks!. She probably fears old age, she's loves being young and hip and immature!.

2!. I think her biggest secret is her fear of losing her Metamorphmagus ability!.

3!. Unicorns and Werewolves (Remus Lupin in particular)!.


i don't know the answer to the first two but i think that the third one is a werewolf, because that's what Prof!. Lupin turns into!. also because her patronus becomes a werewolf when she falls in love with himWww@QuestionHome@Com

None of them have ever been stated, that I remember!. So you get to make them up! Remember, your Patronus does not have to be your favorite animal!.Www@QuestionHome@Com