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Question: Copyrighted book!?!?!?
my friend is on kijiji right now, and he wants to sell a book of his!. he told me the book is called "little secrets;
playing with fire"!. however the back of the book states: "Thid edition is available for distribution only through the school market"!.!.!.!.Im trying to convince him that its copyrighted, and he cant sell it!. am i right!? or wrong!? can he sell it!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes he can sell it!. It is a second hand resale market to start with!.

A copyright would only apply if he was trying to claim the work was his own!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

He's allowed to resell any and all books he has!. Think of it like a garage sale online!. It's fine!.
As long as he's not claiming that he wrote it and as long as he's not re-publishing it and selling it that way, it's not a violation of copyright!.Www@QuestionHome@Com