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Question: How do i become a writer!?
i want to become a writer, but dont know were i need to start!. i know by writing stories, but what else do i need to do!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
To become a writer, you need to write!. Write everyday for a least a little bit to keep the writing "muscle" in shape!. Think about how athletes practice, how musicians practice, how dancers practice: writers must practice the same way!.

Writers write more than stories!. We write essays, narratives and all kinds of non-fiction, copy, scripts, etc!.

To be a good writer you must be a great reader!. Read everything you can, especially the stuff that's like what you want to write!. If you want to write science fiction, read that!. If you want to write memoir, read that!. If you are not willing to be a great reader, you cannot be a writer!.

Pick up a copy of "On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft" by Stephen King!. I have about 200 books on writing in my libary and that is by far my favorite!. King is generous and forthright about what it takes to be writer and how to become a writer!.

If you're serious about writing, you'll find it invaluable!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You need to start by knowing what it takes to be a writer (of course), and you must enjoy doing it, if not, your work will turn out like dung!. I agree with the first person to reply; to write, you must read!. If you don't read, how the hell will you know how to write!? Books offer outlines, writing styles and techniques, new words you've never learned, a spark of inspiration/imagination, and it's great exercise for the mind!.

I guarantee once you've become a very thorough reader (if you aren't one already), you will improve!.

From there you need to study spelling, and grammar- you never know when those will come in handy!. Then, practice by writing short stories, poems, reports, essays, and books!. Always outline your work, it helps a lot!.

I like to keep a notepad close, and I buy very special pens to jot ideas down- which is good to do- and then write when I feel ready!. After I've done research, and finished the outline of course!.!.!. then I begin to write!.

You are your own best critique, so just touch up your work, always edit!. Make sure you have great confidence in yourself, and let those close to you read your work!. Never give up, and if you've got yourself a great imagination and creativity, and are able to get it down on paper, then you're already a fantastic writer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'd say, read!. A lot!. I grew up reading whatever I could get my hands on, and still do, and really believe it's played a part in my continuing pursuit of the written word, as I am majoring in English and writing!.

Secondly, write!. However!. Keep a journal, write essays on things that interest you or something for a class, and take time with it!. Write stories, write poetry, basically write whatever you feel!. I would recommend that you find someone who's willing to read what you put down and give you the feedback that is crucial to the process!. I had a few teachers in high school who fulfilled this role!.

Subit your work to wherever your heart desires, and see what happens!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Go to school!. Study other writers and adopt your favorite parts about their style!. Find someone to read your work!. You need to meet with some editors or publishers!. Unless your family has money and you are well connected your chance of financial success as a writer is not very good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am only 12 and you would need to read!. You know maybe read about what you plan on writing about!. That will help you describe your story by reading someone eles's who might have the same oppion!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

To become a writer you must become a thorough reader!. The fact remains: you have to be a reader before you're a writer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com