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Question: What is your favorite Richard Bachman novel!?
Mine is RageWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
THINNER had me so involved, I couldn't put it down!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I found Stephen King's alter ego really interesting!. I read Desperation and found it really really good!. I prefer his work as SK though!. Books like "It" and the whole Dark Tower series were totally awesome!.

So yeah, Desperation was my favourite!.

EDIT: Oh my gosh, i totally forgot thinner!. That was a really awesome book!.!.!.it blew desperation out of the water!! The whole idea of the pie at the end of the book was gut-wrenching lol!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Stephen King!!!! uhmm!.!.!. Idk!. My mom tells me not to read his books because i'm not "emotionally prepared!." hahaha!.!.!. She thinks i'm still a baby!.

I was just excited when I saw 'Richard Bachman"


I love Stephen King, but am not a fan of his work as Richard Bachman!.Www@QuestionHome@Com