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Question: How do authors get their books published!?
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Only two methods exist for book publishing: the traditional one of a publisher buying the right to make a book from a manuscript and self-publishing (true, assisted, vanity, subsidy, whatever), which is self-explanatory!.

Ignoring self-publishing, the path from manuscript to book varies depending on the form (fiction or nonfiction) and the publisher (one that accepts unsolicited manuscripts/queries or only agented mss)!.

Writers who aim for the top publishers generally need to be represented by an agent!. Many other publishers will accept unsolicited manuscripts or, at least, queries!. The nonfiction books are more often sold from a proposal!. Novels need to be a finished manuscript!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you're talking about first-time authors, there are numerous routes to publishing!. Some are handed contracts because of something interesting they did!. One new phenomena has contracts going out to bloggers, but those are still rareties!. Some writers have connections with known writers through workshops, writers colonies, and university writing programs, and the known authors push the unknowns on the publishers!. Very few are successful making the transition from self-published to contracted--I think it was E!. Lynn Harris who was selling his self-published books out of the trunk of his car before he was discovered, and Zane started out small but was noticed by the bigger publishers ultimately!. There's still the tried and true method of finding an agent and having her push your work!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

read "the school story" by andrew clements, it's all in there

its a fab book!. it's a bout a 12 year old girl who get her book published by her mom anonymouslyWww@QuestionHome@Com