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Question: I'm a strange one!.!.!.!.!?
!.!.!.!. and i like strange, interesting books
for example - Neil Gaiman, Philip Pullman, James Frey, George Orwell, Augusten Burroughs, Irvine Welsh, Melvin Burgess!.!.!. i could go on and on

!.!.!. but the question is what shall i read next!.!.!.!.!?!


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Ah, a Gaiman fan - woohoo!

If you've not read Good Omens by Gaiman and Pratchett I highly recommend it!.

Try anything by Terry Pratchett, he and Gaiman are friends - very different writing styles, but Pratchett is hilarious, one of my favorite authors!.

Gaiman writes a lot of urban fantasy, give City of Bones by Cassandra Clare a try, it's also urban fantasy!. Cassie writes very interesting and engaging characters!.

I second the recommendation to try out Oscar Wilde, he's amazing!. Try The Picture of Dorian Gray for something deep and witty!. Or for something a little lighter give The Importance of Being Ernest a try, it's a play and is absolutely hilarious!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Try some China Mieville--very much like all of the above authors--some Anthony Burgess (the guy who wrote A Clockwork Orange), or if you really want a head-trip, Flann O'Brien (At Swim-Two-Birds in particular)!. If you want classics, Hunter S!. Thompson, William S!. Burroughs, and James Joyce would be right up your alley!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Mirror Dreams then Mirror Wakes by Catherine Webb!
i think they are teen based novels, but they range through the years (my little sis 16, me 24 and my mum, i wont reveal her age)

if the title don't give it away they based on a dream world and the happenings of Laenen Kite!.!.!. strongly recommend you read these, let me know if you enjoy them as much as i did!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

DON'T read that Twilight crap!.!.!. (shudder)!.
Try Roger Zelazny, Piers Anthony, Fred Saberhagen, and Terry Brooks, and especially David Sedaris!
James Axler is good in his Deathlands series!.

I LOVED the Pullman series--I hope they make movies out of the other two!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Joseph O'Connor- Star of the Sea (about the Irish potato famine)!.
Oscar Wilde- is pretty weird but in a good way!.
Margaret Atwood- The Handmaid's Tale (About a future Religious Extremist American dystopia!.)
Nick Cave- And the *** Saw the Angel (Which was written by the Great Man (I'm so sad lol!) in Berlin during a heroin binge!.)
Arthur C Clarke- The Star (A short science fiction story with a religious twist!.)
Wu Cheng'en- Journey to the West (Which the TV series Monkey was based on!!!)

P!.S There is a theory that books choose you and not the other way round!. You could go to the bookshop/ charity shop/ car boot sale and see what grabs you!.

Good luck xxxWww@QuestionHome@Com

Megan McCafferty's book series; Sloppy Firsts

It's about a girl named Jessica Darling, who's kind of dorky and lanky and her life!.

note; you will love, then hate, then love, then be startled, etc!. by Marcus Flutie!Www@QuestionHome@Com

James Patterson- When the Wind Blows and the Lake House; Maximum Ride

Jodi Picoult- Nineteen Minutes, My Sister's Keeper, The Tenth Circle

Khaled Hosseini- The Kite RunnerWww@QuestionHome@Com

Orwell's "Burmese Days" is terrific!.Bet you haven't read that one!.Try "Walkabout" or "Death in venice" or eyes wide shut or the cement gardenWww@QuestionHome@Com

Read Jorge Louis Borges' short story collection and start with Circular Ruins; you won't regret it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Chuck Palahniuk:
Fight Club, Choke, Rant, Snuff!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The King James Version of the Bible !Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Dancers at the End of Time!.
(A trilogy + short stories)!.
by Michael Moorcock!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i love pullmans books lol i dont no what 1 2 say so good luckWww@QuestionHome@Com

Terry Pratchett and Christopher Moore!. If you haven't read them yet, I recommend it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

gregory maguire, anne rice, alice sebold, and thats all i can think of!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Twilight, by Stephanie Meyer!.
It's the best book I've ever read!.

I really do recomend it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Why read when you can use your imagination and write, just a thoughtWww@QuestionHome@Com