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Question: Shud i read twilight!?
ok, i am SO sick of hearing twilight mentioned everywhere!wat is it about and y shud i or shudnt i read it!? EVERYONE seems to have an opinion on it!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
If you want to!. Go ahead!.

But I warn you, don't take the book as seriously as other people take it!. That's what ruins it, whether they like the book or not!. If they don't like the book it's because they think Edward is "abusive" and Bella's a doormat and if they like the book, they think it's the best thing since sliced bread and are "in love" with Edward and are insane!. Clincally insane!.

If you can sit down and read a book, and like it because it has a goot plot and is interesting, go ahead and read it!. That's what Twilight was for me!. So, proceed with caution, that's all I'm saying!.

Edit: As far as the questions you asked, (believable characters, etc!.) different people have different opinions on that!. *I* think that the characters are believable, that the actions they take are believable, as well as the choices (for example, people think Bella is selfish because of choices she makes later in the series, but I think they're realistic choices), and that this book is an example of how teenagers can fall in love!. That part, especially, is believable!. (Other people don't think so, but whatever!.) As for the writing, well, this is where you don't take it seriously!. Meyer is not Jane Austen, remember that!. The only reason this series is here is because she had a dream of one of the scenes in the book, couldn't get it out of her head, and Twilight the book was born!. So it's not supposed to be taken seriously in plot or with writing talent!. The writing isn't particularly *bad* but like I said, she's not like Jane Austen or any other author that's considered an amazing writer!. People point out that she uses the same adjectives over and over again, and I suppose that's true, but I didn't notice it until after people said it!. So!. The writing quality really isn't bad at all!. I hope this helped!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Twilight is an amazing book!. I know it is registered in the teen fiction section, but really, it is for all ages!. I mean the book isn't really believable because it's about vampires and werewolves!. Come on, who believes in that stuff!? But it is very entertaining!. All of my friends raved about it!. I thought they were crazy because other than Harry Potter, I couldn't imagine such far-fetched fiction being that great, but I was so wrong!. These books are way better than the Harry Potter series!. I never thought anything could be better, but again I was way wrong!. The language in the book is very caual and easy to read!. The plot is basically about a girl who falls in love with a vampire!. I know it sounds weird, but these are seriously the best books I have ever read!. I would give you a warning though, you may become obsessed with them!. Everyone I know who has read them has become a fanatic!. I definitely encourage you to read the books though!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yer you should read it!.!.!.!. i was never really a reader but i picked up a book randomly to take with me on my cruise and it is so good i couldnt put it down!.

It is about a 17 year old girl called bella swan who moved from sunny pheonix to fork to live with her dad so her mum can spend time with her boyfriend!. When she starts school in forks she meets edward cullen who she finds out is a vampire and who is soo sweet he makes everyone think they are in love with this fictional character!.!.!.!. including me lol!.
Edward resists killing bella and they fall in love!.
It is about their lives together, him protecting her, looking after her etc!.
also some vampires come into forks who are not civilised with humans as the cullens are and they want to drink bellas blood, so edward and his family all help to protect her and keep her safe!. When reading the book you can tell just how much edward loves bella and vise versa!.

You should definatly read it but if you do, beware because once you have read that you will need to read new moon and eclipse and breaking dawn which comes out in august!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The characters are believable, even though there are vampires everywhere they don't go around saying :I want to suck your blood, or anything like that"!. The Plot takes a while to get going, but once it does its all good, very dramatic and romantic!. but its not so overly romantic that your like, ewwwwww, just stop!. The language is pretty basic, there aren't humongous words every page, I think I only found word that I was like, what does that mean!? I think you should read so that people will stop bugging you, and if people want to see the movie coming in december you can compare the book and movie!.
I got bugged for weeks to read it, maybe months, but I'm glad I did!. It was not the best book I read, but its still really really really good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I was actually forced to read it in preparation for an upcoming book club program that i found myself in charge of and I was adamant that I was never going to read it until I had to!. As a result, I'm going to say that it wouldn't hurt to read it, or attempt to read it!. Really, that's up to you!. I'm not going to say, absolutely yes you should/should not read it because that's not my decision!. I encourage you to make your own choice on that matter, but I will say that it wouldn't be the end of the world if you decided to see what all the fuss was about!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love that book! It doesn't really have a story to it though!.!.!. its just the author making you fall in love with the characters and it gets addicting!.!.!. the book I mean!. There's just something about it that makes it special!. Anyone can relate to the book at sometime in their life and I think that's why its so special to everyone!. But its a book where you like it or you don't!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The book twiligt is about a girl who goes to live with her dad for awhile and meets this boy named Edward Cullens!. Well it turns out Edward is a vampire! But she still loves him!. Well when these other vampire come the want to suck her blood!. The good vampires have to protect her and yeah!. sorry its not very discriptive its been awhile since i have read it! But yah i hate fantasy books and i loved this one it was good!. Maybe just give it a try!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes you should read it!. The book is very well written and once you start reading you can't put it down!. I know the plot sounds a little weird but it is really good and it doesn't really center on vampires it centers more on Bella and Edward's love!. Believe me you will love it when you read it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's very unrealistic (the love between them), but I always thought their vampire powers were neat!.!.!.

but its scary some girls "yearn" for Edward!.!.!.and that's really sad because no "edward" exists lol!.

Read it if you want, I did (my friend practically MADE me), and it really wasn't so bad!. Besides the mushy fantasy love scenes, i thought the rest wasn't half bad :)
I think Stephanie Meyer's "The Host" sounds better to me though!. (haven't read it yet though)Www@QuestionHome@Com

when someone told me it was about a girl falling in love with a vampire i thought "how stupid"!. then i read it!. it is very believable!. the characters are so developed that you actually think of them as real people!. the plot is great!. it has a lot of action!. its fantasy for people that dont like fantasy!. its romance for people that dont like romance!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

YES!!!!!!!! IT IS THE BEST BOOK I HAVE EVER READ!! Its about a 17 year old girl named Bella who moved to Forks, Washington to live with
her dad!. She goes to school there and finds someone!.!.!.!.!.!.!.strange!. Later they become in love with
each other and she figures out his secret; He is a vampire!.
order of series:
2)New Moon
4)coming in August is Breaking Dawn

***they are by Stephani Meyer!Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes, u should read it, its the best book i have ever read in my whole entire life!. its bout a girl named bella who falls in love with a vampire, its a really good romance story with a bit of action to it too!. if u dont read it ur missing out on a really great book!. the books go order by: Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn, heres Stephenie Meyers website if u like to check it out!. http://stepheniemeyer!.com/Www@QuestionHome@Com

Might as well, then you will know if its worth it or not!. If it is youll be glad you did!. If its not, then you can stop hearing about it and wondering if its good or not, youll already know!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, you should read it, even if you don't like them!. Then you'll be able to form your own opinion about the books instead of just taking everyone else's word for it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's an amazing love story about a girl who falls in love with a vampire, and it is not nearly as stupid as it sounds!. You should definitely read it!.
After that read New Moon and Eclipse if you liked it, they are the sequels!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

omg yes yes yes!!! a million times yes!!

k, so its a series or 3 (soon to b a series of 4) about an ordinary girl, bella swan, who falls in love with an extrmely hot vampire, edward cullen!. theres also werwolfes in it, but thats not till new moon!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i say yes u should read it!.!.!.!.!.just because if u like mystery and romance!! im not gonna give the plot away like other ppl but i will say that it is extremely good!. and well written!.!.!.!.it will keep u on the edge of ur seat!!!
and EDWARD CULLEN IS MINE!!! :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think you should read it!. Everyone is talking about it, but it really is good, its not just talk!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It wouldn't hurt!.Www@QuestionHome@Com