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Question: Is this a bad habit!?
I always write things from spur of the moment-random-whatever I feel like!. But whenever I talk to some of my writer friends or even people on Y!A they usually slave over ideas and everything else!. I mean I really have tried the whole think about it thing!. You know what I got!? Something about a girl with some school issue blah blah blah BLAH!. It's like my mind would rather give me some brilliant inspirational idea when I'm half an inch away from sleep then when I actually put some thought into it!. Is this a really bad thing to do!? Not think about it as much as just have it, I mean!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It's not really a bad habit, but it sure disturbs sleep!. Try putting a tape recorder beside your bed!. Make a few notes into it so you remember and write when you wake up!. To tell the truth, most of what you write when you are just about to go to sleep and are all enthusiastic - sounds like junk in the morning!. Pax-CWww@QuestionHome@Com

I tend to do this, too!. Sometimes I'll write things down and save them for later and work on them and they turn out fine, but I like those little inspirational-driven pieces!.

I guess it's just whatever works for you!. Every writer has their own method that works for them!. As long as you can write things that are well written, well researched, and something that others enjoy reading, then it's not a bad habit in my opinion!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i go through what you do but with painting!.
i'll start a painting and then i'll stop and i wont think too deeply about it!. then when one night im about to fall asleep all of a sudden i will have this urge or this idea of what to add to the painting and i'll do that!. i feel like the way you and i do it is better because that way we are inspired instead of rushing out ideas!.

Leave a notebook by your bed and jot down ideas as they come!.

I think of "brilliant" stuff while i'm half asleep!.!.!.i'll wake up in the morning and remember it and think!.!.!.!.!. that's really quite a dull idea!.

edit: just read the added bit you put on!.!.!.you're adorable! you are too cute for words haha!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, random bursts of inspiration make for the best stories!. If you don't like to sit around and map out every detail about every little thing that has to do with your characters, thats alright, as long as they have their own personalities!.


right before i go to bed is the best time i can think about things!.
like i make up my own quotes and stuff!. so i don't think its a bad habbit or even a little bit weird!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

actualy your first instinct is usualy right anywayWww@QuestionHome@Com

No, that happens to everyone!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I do the same exact thing! So I hope it's not a bad habit! I usually come up with this fantastic idea when I'm half-asleep and usually I just dream the story out!. Then when I wake up, I stay in bed for over an hour remembering every detail of the story idea my mind turned into a dream!.
So far, the ideas have been pretty great, if I do say so myself and the dreams that follow are equally amazing!.
Oh! And usually what I do is leave my cell close to my bed and then when I get an idea, I can type up a quick note so that even if I don't remember in the morning, I still have the gist of the idea typed on my phone!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

!. !. !. huh!?