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Position:Home>Books & Authors> So what happens if you write a book....and it gets rejected?

Question: So what happens if you write a book!.!.!.!.and it gets rejected!?
Or something like that!? Do you keep trying with the same story but with different agents or change it around or scrap it and write a whole new book!?

Would you get discouraged!?

Has this ever happened to you!? What did it feel like and how did you get over it!?
I think I'd probably just be embarrassed =/Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I've had a couple times where I thought I was going to be picked up, had conversations with the agents on the phone and everything, and then got dropped!.

It sucks!. You start by just submitting the normal stuff: a query, synopsis, outline, etc, and you think that when you get that request for a full manuscript you're pretty much made!. Then you find out it's just another step in the process! Doesn't mean anything more than that the requester couldn't decide!. What a blow to the ego!. I called my family the first time someone requested a full manuscript!. I've learned!.

I'm good at taking rejection!. I submit shorts all the time, so I have a steady stream of them pouring in, but the last time my manuscript was rejected after a full read I got pretty depressed!. It was the third time I'd been convinced I was finally going to lock down an agent!. Alas!.

I threw all my ideas in a drawer for a month, and decided to rewrite!. The rewrite was like a recharge on my battery!. I feel like I've got a whole new story to submit, and you better believe I'm going to pitch it to a few agents that have rejected me already!. Though I'm still months away from going through that process again!. (I've always been a big advocate of long recharge sessions, and vacations!. I wish I could find an employer who shared my philosophy!)

Writers always tell each other not to take things personally, but after awhile it gets to you!. Everyone has the moment where they want to throw something through a window!. It passes!. A new idea comes, fresh eyes on an old idea develop, whatever it is!. If you are a writer, and you want to be a writer you get over it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's discouraging, but there's a solution: While shopping the first book around, write your second book!. When that's done, shop the second around and write the third!.

It's a fact that most published authors did NOT hit the jackpot with their first or second efforts!. It can take several to hone the skills you need, from dialogue to characters, description to plot!. Getting published is one step in a writing career, and the fact it's called a career should be a hint about the sort of long-term thinking you need!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's a terrible feeling to have your manuscript rejected!. My first novel, sixteen or seventeen years ago, was rejected by every publishing house I sent it to!. Not ONE offered to even read the first chapter!.

It's quite depressing, but if you're a writer, you keep on writing!. It's something inside that can't be stifled, no matter how bad it makes you feel!. You just sort of pick yourself up and start all over!.

Publishing is a case of Catch 22 I'm afraid!. If you aren't experienced they don't want to know, yet how do you get experience without being accepted!?

I eventually started writing short stories for magazines!. It took a while to crack the market, but I did!. After several years, I wrote another novel and the FIRST publishing house accepted it - I had experience!

Anthony James Barnett - author of WITHOUT REPROACHWww@QuestionHome@Com

Everybody gets rejected!. JK Rowlings got dozens of rejections before finding the publisher that accepted Harry Potter!.

Being embarrassed about it is pretty useless!. You just pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and put another query letter in the mail to the next publisher or agent that works with your genre!.

You have to develop a thick skin in this business!. Trust me!. Rejection is not the worst thing that can happen!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Never let rejections discourage you!!! After reading Stephen King's book!.!.!."Stephen King On Writing" I learned what he had gone through!. He had had many rejections before Carrie was finally published!. Just keep trying, maybe do a rewrite to make the story more contemporary or even edit it a bit but go on!. There are many publishers in the world!. And there is always self publishing that can help your work to be seen and read and then perhaps a publisher will take interest!. Good Luck Pal! ~M~
PS I have only had a few articles published!. I received many rejections before receiving a check for the stories!. I write under the name Margaret Barton-WahlWww@QuestionHome@Com

Rejections are pretty depressing, for sure, but they're not the end of the world!. I let myself wallow and blubber for a bit, then work on the manuscript a bit more, then muster up the courage to send it somewhere else!. Chances are the book wasn't what they wanted - but don't give up!. SOMEONE will snap your story up one day!

I know of someone who decided to wallpaper their lavatory with his rejection letters - not sure how well-covered the room is now, but he did provide a pencil so visitors could add their comments!.!.!.

Hafwen xWww@QuestionHome@Com

I'd just try to see what I could fix and keep on moving!. You can't be 'embarassed' or discouraged just because one group of people don't like the way you write!.
Just keep on moving, just because you stop doesn't mean the world will so there's no point in acting like something tragic just happened!. Move along!.


Of course you get discouraged!. But you need to develop a hide as thick as a herd of elephants because that is exactly what happens in our business!. When he was a kid writing short stories for magazines, Stephen King hung a spike on his wall and proudly displayed his rejection letters!. Pax-CWww@QuestionHome@Com

i would keep on trying!. and if all your efforts do not pay off, maybe its time to put that book on the shelf for a while and start a new one!. and who knows maybe later it will do better!. sometimes people just arent ready for you, but never give up, because that will be the exact moment that they give in!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

rejection is a large part of writing!. Like all art there are different strokes for different folks!. You find a publisher that is focused on your type of writing!. Don't send a manuscript of Sci-Fi to publisher who doesn't do sci-fi!. Do your research and know where to send your quearyWww@QuestionHome@Com

Rejection is part of the territory!. I like to look at it as a chance to read over what’s wrong
And fix it!. It doesn’t mean that you’re a bad writer at all…Www@QuestionHome@Com

Nothing just go to a smaller company that publishes books!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

you write the next book anywayWww@QuestionHome@Com