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Position:Home>Books & Authors> When writing a book on a word processor, how can you tell about how many pages i

Question: When writing a book on a word processor, how can you tell about how many pages it would be in book form!?
I'm writing a book and I want to have an idea of how many pages I would have so far!. Right now I'm using the Times New Roman 12 point font (default) and an 8!.5x11 page with 0!.79 margins on all sides!. I'm pretty sure this is all default!. I'm also pretty sure that most novels are not that size!. So, how should I set this up so I can tell how many pages I would have!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The number of pages is not a concern!. This mindsent comes from the way we learn to write in school!. "I need a 5 page paper" or a "ten page report!." Creative writing is not about number of pages!.

Generally, a page in TNR 12-pt with one inch margins all around (double spaced) is 250 words!. That is how you submit a manuscript!.

Novels are measured by word count, not pages!. The number of pages depends on the dimensions of the book, the font and size, the way chapter breaks are set on a page, the manner in which the header/footers are set up, etc!. There are a lot of considerations, none of which are important!.

Since there is no "formula" for the number of pages in a novel, there is no "page count" device in a word processing program!.

A work of fiction with more than 50,000 words is considered a "novel!." Less than 18,000 or so is a novella!. Over 80,000 words is considered an "epic!."

But the word count doesn't matter at this point either!. Just write and make a good story!. Then rewrite it at least a half-dozen times, then do the final edits and more re-writing, and then see where you are!.

Email if you have questions!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Some computer programs can, you can actually set up the format to "read" so it looks as though you are reading your work off book pages, Microsoft Word 2003, and it gives you the number of pages and all, I think, but it doesn't print that way!. I haven't tried it yet!. I don't think you should worry so much about how many pages you've got or making your story look like a genuine novel!. In time, if it succeeds, you will see for yourself how many pages it has!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Most books have an average of 250 words per page!. So, just take your current wordcount and divide by 250 to get the pages!.


There is a little icon in the bottom right corner that looks like an open book!. Press that, and you've got the number of pages in book form!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Usually, a page of a novel has about 250 words (depending on font)!. It's not perfect, but it's an easy way just to estimate from your word count!.Www@QuestionHome@Com
