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Question: Why does edward love bella in twilight!?
ok that question looks bad but does edward love bella so much becaue he is addicted to her scent!? or does he just fall for her!? like would he have fallen for her if she had just smelled like any other human to edward!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Edward explains how Bella is not like other girls!. Since he can read minds, he has a fairly good idea of how humans act!. Besides the fact that Edward can't read Bella's mind, Bella always surprises him, and doesn't act like a "predictable" human would!.
As their courtship continued, he discovers how sweet, selfless, nice, smart, and funny she is!. He loves how observant she is, and how it seems as if she can see through all of his pretenses!.

He loves her personality, not just her scent!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think initially it was her scent that drew him to her!. But if you read the first chapter of 'Midnight Sun', then it kinda seems like he takes an interest in her even before he gets a whiff of her scent! Either way, they should be together! ^__^Www@QuestionHome@Com

i dont know its like really confusing but i think that he fell in love with her because her scent was so good that he fell in love with herWww@QuestionHome@Com

Her blood smells good!.

It says that he has never smelled blood as good as hers--he's attracted to that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com