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Position:Home>Books & Authors> What happens in the book so big by edna ferber?

Question: What happens in the book so big by edna ferber!?
I have to read it for school!.
Is it any good!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
_So Big_ is a story of love and values thwarted!. Selena DeJong chooses to become a school marm teaching farmers' children!. She lives with the Pool family and supports their son Roelf in his yearning to become an artist!. Although she has to toil on the soil, Selena really is an artist at heart!. Roelf absconds to Italy!. She marries a Dutch farmer and has a baby whom they talk to in typical baby talk!. "How big is little Dirk! Sooooo big!" Her husband dies!. Little Dirk decides not to be an architect or an artist-creator but to make money in the stock market--an common choice in 1924 when the novel was published!. Dirk falls in love with a woman named Dallas, a famous artist!. She like Dirk's mother wants Dirk to follow his aesthetic bent, but he refuses!. Predictably, Roelf returns to visit Selina!. One guess what happens!. Roelf falls in love with Dallas!. The two of them run off together!. Dirk is left alone with his money but is psychologically and emotionally unfulfilled!. Mom was right after all!.

It's a compelling read, like a soap opera, but in my judgment Edna Ferber is not up to the grandeur of her themes!. In _Tender is the Night_ Fitzgerald equates the parasitical artist Albert McKisco with Edna Ferber--the superficial but beautiful actress Rosemary Hoyt is reading their novels together!. Solid bourgeois stuff but not the art it desperate wants to valorize!.Www@QuestionHome@Com