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Question: Guys: for Twilight!.!.!.!?
Do you think that guys can write these kind of stories like SM, because you know how Twilight is, with Edward Cullen and what not!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

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no offence boys but
its like summing up every womans perfect guy
it has so much discription on feelings and then edwards over anilizing things that i can't see a man writing itWww@QuestionHome@Com

*no i dont think so
**dont get me wrong, i love edward character, but there is NO way a guy could write that stuff!. edward it TOO sweet and caring, pretty much soo unrealistic from any real guy on earth!.
***i think SM had a great time writing about this over the top romantic character as much as we all loved reading it

*girls kno wut to write about what they want to hear!. i dont think a male author could not more than a female author about romance and about what a girl wantsWww@QuestionHome@Com

yes!. i think you can achieve anything you want to!. and yes guys should read them!. i am a guy and i am almost done with Eclipse and i love the series!. they are all great books!. the action is really neat in the books!. the kissing and stuff dosent bother me though!. overall, they are like my favorite books that are BIG that i really enjoy!


I don't know about writing!.!.!. but guys should DEFINITLY read it !

Jacob && Edward = <3 ! They are such gentlemen , mostly Edward, because Jacob is rude, but!.!.!. Edward is definitly great !!Www@QuestionHome@Com

There is a book I have read about vampires and such that was by a guy!. SO yeah guys can write stories like SM!. But do guys around the teen ages read it!?!?!? I think they should!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i dont really think guys could write these kinds of book but there are always the exceptions and surprises!. And i give props to any male who reads the twilight series!.Www@QuestionHome@Com