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Question: Breaking Dawn Costume!?!?!?
Okay so i'm dressing up as Bella, and I wanna try to win the costume contest, What should I wear!? Maybe something from prom I have No Idea please help!?!!?!!!?

Pictures would be good too :]Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Maybe a dark prom dress would be better than just a regular outfit--because not many people would notice you otherwise!. Hopefully you have shoulder length brown hair (I think her hair's brown!.!.!.at least I've always thought it was), but if not you can easily buy a good quality brown wig on ebay for cheap!.

also, maybe draw in the crescent-shaped scar on your hand!? Details are your best friend!.

Edit: Thought up a new detail!. If you don't want to wear a prom dress, you can wear a regular outfit--but bloody yourself up: around the face, your leg and hand!. As though you had narrowly escaped James just in time to participate in your costume contest!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hey Hanna, I try to answer every Twilight related question I see ^^ Specially if theyre form my contacts, so here I am lol

Bella huh!? Kool!. Anyway, maybe try to find her prom dress, or one that looks kinda close to it!. http://www!.stepheniemeyer!.com/twilight_f!.!.!. thats Steph's site, under FAQ, pics of prom dress apparently

And Bella has shoulder length brown hair, so you might need a wig depending lol!.

Good luck!. I tried to help!. I might go as Alice!. My friends and I have a Twilight club, and we all are a person from book and have that name, so I always call my best friend Esme lmao!. Im Alice though!. So I might go as her depending ^^Www@QuestionHome@Com

Maybe something mentioned in the books!? Or a raincoat and boots for the whole 'super rainy town' get up!? If you really want to go all out, maybe try to find or make her prom dress!. I'm going to try to go as Alice!. I've got the height, the hair and the grace down, now all i need is an outfit! lol!. Good luck!

?Graceful Little Alice?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Maybe a dress similar to Bella's and you could put a fake cast around your leg!. Then get your hair fixed up how Bella describes it!. and then get the corsage and put it where Edward put it!. ( I don't remember where he put it but i think it was in her hair!.)
^^^^^^ go down a bit till you see two photos!. the yellowish one is Bella's

hope it helps!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

long brown hair, the blue sweater edward loves with her skin color, a plain khaki skirt, and the charm bracelet with a wooden wolf and a crystal heart!. maybe an engagement ring too if you want to be like eclipse version!. the rain coat and like a broken arm would be more for twilightWww@QuestionHome@Com

hmmm!. im going as her too!! lol!. ( what a lamo,lol!.) im wearing:
a flannel
my own edward t-shirt
a giant puffy coat
bella's charm bracelet
and a teeth mark on my hand from james
and that's about it ( you can look on the twilight trailer videos to see what kristen is wearing)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I say the following:
Her Prom Dress
Charm Bracelet
Leg or Wrist Brace
And I agree with the bite me! :DWww@QuestionHome@Com

You should show wear a parka! And lots of casts and cut marks!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Long brown hair, pale skin, and write on your neck, bite me edward lolWww@QuestionHome@Com

A raincoat!.Www@QuestionHome@Com