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Question: If you could recommend one book!.!.!.!?
And only one, what would it be!?
I'm up for all things fantasy, daily lives, romance, tragedy!.!.!.reading level isn't really an issue!.
Please no more Twilight & co!., Harry Potter, and Stephen King!. (I don't dislike them, I've just heard of them plenty)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Umm, I'll give a few of my favorites!.!.!.

Wicked Lovely-- Melissa Marr
A Great and Terrible Beauty-- Libba Bray
Boy Meets Boy-- David Levithan
The Lovely Bones-- Alice Seabold
Lucky-- Alice Seabold
Scribbler of Dreams-- Mary E!. Pearson
The Notebook-- Nicholas Sparks
The Rescue-- Nicholas Sparks
Define Normal-- Julie Anne Peters
Teach Me-- R!.A!. Nelson
Sandpiper-- Ellen Wittlinger
Razzle-- Ellen Wittlinger
Parrotfish-- Ellen Wittlinger
It's Kind of a Funny Story-- Ned Vizzini
Jinx-- Meg CabotWww@QuestionHome@Com

Two-Way Street-Lauren Barnholdt

Here's the exact summary-This is Jordan and Courtney, totally in love!. Sure, they were an unlikely high school couple!. But they clicked; it worked!. They're even going to the same college, and driving cross-country together for orientation!.

Then Jordan dumps Courtney -- for a girl he met on the Internet!.

It's too late to change plans, so the road trip is on!. Courtney's heartbroken, but figures she can tough it out for a few days!. La la la -- this is Courtney pretending not to care!.

But in a strange twist, Jordan cares!. A lot!.

Turns out, he's got a secret or two that he's not telling Courtney!. And it has everything to do with why they broke up, why they can't get back together, and how, in spite of it all, this couple is destined for each other!.

Exact Summary from Amazon!.

The Picture Of Dorian Grey by Oscar Wilde!.
and Philippa Gregory writes fantastic historical fiction!. i love jane austen!.
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte or Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte are both good!.
and if you like amusing mystery type books i really like carolyn haines, she has a bunch of books!. and janet evanovich has the famous stephanie plum series!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Black Beauty- It really touched me and I cried throughout it!.

Others that are really good
A Walk to Remember- Romance
Flowers for Algernon- It's about a mentally retarded man who gets a surgery that makes him smart!. But then his health starts to deteriorate!.!.!.It's like a diary!. It's amazing!.
Kite Runner- I read it in school and LOVED it!. It's so sad! And so realWww@QuestionHome@Com

Watership Down by Richard Adams!. Yes, I post this way too much in this section!.

The funny thing is, everyone thinks it has some political meaning, but it was just a story told to a pair of children on a road trip, lengthened of course!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ysabel by Guy Gavriel Kay!.
It is a historical fantasy novel about reincarnations and a quest to bring back a woman!. It also includes a bit of romance!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

they cage the animals at night!.!.it is a true and touching story!.
it is written by Jennings Michael Burch!.it is about the life he lived as a young boy and deals with the issues!.i wish they would make it into a movieWww@QuestionHome@Com

P!.S!. I Love You - Celia Ahern

Have you seen the movie!? Well if you have, you should still read the book!. It's a thousand and one times better!. They didn't even fit the descriptions in the book :(Www@QuestionHome@Com

Twilight series (:Www@QuestionHome@Com

other than twilight!.!.!.!.!.artemis fowlWww@QuestionHome@Com

Lurlene McDaniel booksWww@QuestionHome@Com

The Feast of All Saints by Anne RiceWww@QuestionHome@Com

For Whom the Bell Tolls by Ernest HemingwayWww@QuestionHome@Com

The Pact by Jodi PicoultWww@QuestionHome@Com