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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Has anyone read the book, A Separate Peace, by the author John Knowles?

Question: Has anyone read the book, A Separate Peace, by the author John Knowles!?
i was just wondering what other people thought of this book, im 16 so keeping my interest in a book is rear, but theres something about this story and i love it!.!.!.
if you have never read this you really need to!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I was probably one of the few in my class to love that book!. I read it two years ago for school for my Sophomore English class (I'm a senior now) and I just loved it!. I loved John Knowels's style of writing; it was whimsical and I love authors who can pull that off!. The characters are marvelously done and if you push all the subtext aside, you've got such an amazing story!. I'm always keeping a copy of that book!. It was that good and definitely a favorite of mine!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i read it for a summer assignment for english honors 1!.!.!. i thought it was ok!. the characters bugged me a little, but they were definatly relatable and sempt like real people!. the whole thing with him returning to the tree to remeber the story seems a little pointless!. its the same story with or without that part!. i didnt really see a point to it other than it making him reminiss (sp)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Lol!. I like!.!.!.fell in love with Finny!. Although, I don't remember why!. Now I'll have to reread the book to find out!.
I think he was my first fictional love!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the book was really interesting,i think i was the only one in my class to actually finish it!. it was sad!Www@QuestionHome@Com