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Position:Home>Books & Authors> What are some Greek Mythology books?

Question: What are some Greek Mythology books!?
I want some that are fantasy not like info books!. Like the percy jackson books!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The Dark Hills Divide: The Land of Elyon, Book 1 - Patrick Carman
The Pilgrims of Rayne - D!. J!. MacHale
Midnighters #3: Blue Noon - Scott Westerfeld
Charlie Bone And The Hidden King - Jenny Nimmo
A Dangerous Path - Erin Hunter
Curse of the Bane - Joseph Delaney
The Rivers of Zadaa - D!.J!. MacHale
Skybreaker - Kenneth Oppel
Fire Star - Chris D'LaceyWww@QuestionHome@Com

there is a lot!.!.!.!.book of nine and search the stories of!.!.
1!. Narsisis
2!. Arachne
3!. Athena