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Question: Bartimeaus Triolgy!.!?
Last chapter!.!.!. so sad ;[[[[

Give me your thoughts on this triolgy :]Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
i didn't read it, but the guy above me is an idiot!.


I loved those books!. I got the first book for X-mas one year, then I found the second book laying in a teacher's classroom and borrowed it, then I had to wait for the third book to come to my district's library!.

One of my favorite aspects of the trilogy was how my attitude towards Nathaniel was changed as he changed!. He was just adorable in the first, ridiculous in the second (I'd actually get so frustrated with him I'd put the book down for a while), and, in the last, I have no idea how to describe him!. I read the last book at least five times, and I haven't returned the second book yet!. I've just never read such a well put-together trilogy as this!. IT ROCKS!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Bartimaeus Trilogy set in a modern-day London spiced with magicians and mayhem, this extraordinary, funny, pitch-perfect thriller will dazzle the myriad fans of Artemis Fowl and the His Dark Materials trilogy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com