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Question: Why wasnt hermione in ravenclaw!? completely curious!.!.!?
Alright so i just finished rereading all of the Harry Potter books and it just occured to me: why wasn't Hermione put in Ravenclaw!?!?!? I mean, the first time i read these, I didn't really notice or care, but now!.!.!. lol it's just really bugging me!.!.!. so does anyone know why!?

Thanks tonsWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
This should answer your question:

Because although it would be good for her to be in ravenclaw and she has many ravenclaw qualities she also has many griffindor qualities like bravery, being honest and taking risks!.
And also take into account the fact that the sorting hat does also consider what you want so hermione might have wanted to be in griffindor!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Just because Hermione is book smart doesn't mean she isn't incredibly brave as well!. People have more than one attribute that the hat considers!. In the end, the hat made the right call!. Hermione is extrodinarly brave and it was best for all of wizardkind and humanity that she was in Griffindor!. And it was very good that Harry wasn't a Slytherin too ;)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hermione says at one point that the sorting hat DID consider putting her in Ravenclaw but "decided on Gryffindor in the end"!.

I happen to think that if the Sorting Hat sees an innate quality in you that needs only to be DEVELOPED it will put you in the appropriate House!. For instance, how did Neville end up in Gryffindor!? Look at how brave he turned out to be! ^__^Www@QuestionHome@Com

I know, that was SO gay!. She's too SMART to be in Gryffindor!. I mean, LOTS of smart people are brave! And a lot of the time, brave people are stupid!. Sometimes, people just get too impulsive and no nothing of the consequences of their foolhardy actions (i!.e!. Harry)!. Or, they prefer not to think of them!. But Hermione does!. But again, who cares if she's brave!? I think intelligence overpowers bravery!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That answer is with Jk Rowling

well she i brave isn't she!?
there are certain characteristics and traits that go with each house!.
i bet if you listed hermione's and sorted them into each house in which they belong, you'd get more in gryffindorWww@QuestionHome@Com

I think the sorting hat is actually psychic and knew that although Hermione was smart enough to be in Ravenclaw, that she was needed more in Gryffindor for what would happen in the future!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Griffendors are brave and the hat knew she was going to be brave!. She was smart and that was why she was considered for ravenclaw but she was put in griffendor!.
~hope I was some help~Www@QuestionHome@Com

More than often the Sorting Hat must have come across students who had qualities that qualified them to be in two Houses at the same time!.But it only took its decision when it was sure that which quality shone over the rest!.Moreover it also gave importance to that individual's secret desires in such cases!.
If u remember Harry had the guile to be a Slytherin & the guts of a Gryffindor;but he wanted to be a Gryffindor & there he was a jewel in the crown of Gryffindor!.
His courage must have been the defining line of his inner self that's why he was there!.
We have had numerous instances where Hermione's bravery shone over her wits!.
Even when Neville seemed to have nothing more than a Hufflepuff student he proved himself in the end by slicing Nagini into halves!.
So there you go!.