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Question: Is Hemingway the man or what!?
I mean come on, really!. He was pretty awesome!.

Well, besides that whole suicide bit!. At least he followed through you know!? Didn't muck it all up like a type Vonnegut wimp!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I agree!. From both a literary and manly perspective, Hemingway was a total badass!.

Something else interesting about him: as you may have noticed just within this thread, most women simply cannot relate to his work at all, and call him "overrated!." He's the ultimate man's writer!.

You know who *I* think is unspeakably overrated!? Toni Morrison!. So there!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hemmingway is overrated!. I have professors who agree with me!. Look up other authors in the time period and you will see that his "signature" style had already been done, and done better by authors before him!. He is the famous one among them because he knew how to make an image for himself and sell it to the press!.

also, he treated the women in his life (and novels) terribly and was known for having a horrible temper!. His most redeeming feature is that he kept double pawed or six-toed cats!.

"Suicide bit"!? Vonnegut's a wimp for not successfully killing himself!?


Haha, totally!.

Somebody drinks something alchoholic on every page!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

he was an amazing writerWww@QuestionHome@Com

he is stupid!.!.!. i mean he doesent even make sense!! i hate him!.!. its my opinion!Www@QuestionHome@Com