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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Have u heard about the twilight hand campaign?

Question: Have u heard about the twilight hand campaign!?
Have u guys heard about the twilight hand campaign!? its really cool, what it is is people are writing the words "the twilight hour" in a cresent shape on their hands where bella got bitten in twilight and rewriting it everyday until Breaking Dawn come out!! they are up to almost 800 people now, some ppl r even getting it tattooed on I heard, its pretty cool!! to check it out go to this site:

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yeah! My friends did that a little over a month ago! lol!. They showed it to me!. Neat huh!?


Kinda creepy and obsessive !.!.I am glad I was never that obsessive, and now I have moved on!.!.!.don't get me wrong i still like Twilight and all, but now I have somehting else to read, and dream about!.!.!.

It's kinda weird to get it tatooed because that is permanent and last forever, so when they have kids and there kids ask why their hand says the Twilight hour, they will have to say that was in my young days when I was super obsessed with this book, it was stupid and I regret it!. Writing it in pen, or even permenant marker, isn't as bad, at least!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Haha, I would except I already have ink poisoning!. If I get any more ink in my veins, I'll die!. I'm not kidding!. Last time I drew an innocent little heart on the back of my hand, I had to get rushed to the hospital!. So just know, I think this is really cool, and I'd do it if I could!. I'm participating at heart!. XDWww@QuestionHome@Com

Sounds like something the Twilight Twinkies and Twankers would do!. Pathetic - you can get blood poisoning from ink!. But I suppose that would be cool right!? Then you would have venom in your blood!. Sheesh!. Pax-C

EDIT - It will make you look like you were in jail and got a jailhouse tattoo!. Stupid!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

First, sort of really creepy!.
Second, it's a book!. I mean, yes people dressed up for the Harry Potter midnight releases (and I was one of them) but as Pax-C said, you can get blood poisoning from ink so unless your okay with getting sick, go ahead and write on yourself for the next 30-some-odd days!Www@QuestionHome@Com

At least I will be able to identify the more annoying twilight'ers now!.

Come to think of it, maybe I should have painted a big bleeding red eye on my forehead to commemorate my love for Stephen King's Dark Tower series!. Oh well, at least I have the tattoo!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think I agree with most of the other answerers!.

There are tons of other, less weird and healthier ways to portray your obsessive love for the Twilight fandom!. Here I was thinking that the Team Edward and Team Jacob shirts were going overboard!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

wow ok i love the twilight series as much as the next girl i mean its my fav series but come on the book isnt coming out for another like month! Every one whos doing it is going to get ik poisoningWww@QuestionHome@Com

where can you register
I'm obsessive over twilight
its my weaknessWww@QuestionHome@Com

That person didn't even write that on his hand!. He used a tablet!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

that sounds kind of!.!.!.dumb!. but that's just me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com