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Question: Books in Twilight series!?
Is Breaking Dawn the last book in the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes!. "Breaking Dawn" (released on August 2, 2008) will be the last book in the Twilight Saga, from Bella's point of view!. Stephenie Meyer will rewrite "Twilight" from Edward's point of view!. That book will be titled Midnight Sun!. You can find the first chapter of Midnight Sun at http://www!.stepheniemeyer!.com/pdf/midnig!.!.!. !. also, if your looking for something to read, while your waiting and anticipating "Breaking Dawn" you can always check out Stephenie Meyer's adult fiction novel titled "The Host"!. You can find out more about "The Host" at http://search!.barnesandnoble!.com/The-Hos!.!.!. !. Stephenie Meyer has told sources that "The Host" will be getting a a sequel!. The sequel will be titled "The Soul"!. She also stated that if she wanted to add to "The Soul", she would add another title to the series, "The Seeker"!.

I hope this answers your question and many more you might have had!. :)

Hope you enjoy! and Happy Reading! :)


it's the last of the actual series, but there is 1 other that will come out, but it isn't considered part of it cuz it does add more plotWww@QuestionHome@Com

It is the last book being written from Bella's point of view, but it will not be the last book stephenie is working on!. She is writing Midnight Sun, too!. It will be Twilight from Edwards pov!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sadly yes!! =[
But after that she will have a Twilight re-written in edwards point of view!! VERY EXCITING!!
Its called Midnight Sun!! =DWww@QuestionHome@Com

technically yes, but i think she confirmed that her next project will be midnight sun!. that will be twilight from edwards point of view!. i cant wait for either of them! =]Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes!. and then she might rewrite some of them in edwards point of view!. twilight in his point of view is going to be called midnight sunWww@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, but then she is going to write a remake of the original in Edwad's POV :)Www@QuestionHome@Com
