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Question: Can u help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?!?!?!?
i want to write a short story
i wanted to be about romance or tragic love
got any original ideas of any kind!?!?!!

[need help, any help will be appreciated ]Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:


what makes something tragic!?
- one idea is that forces that are outside the lovers' control drive them apart!. but that's kind of been done!.
- this second option has been done too, but face it!. this is romance!. it's extremley hard to find something that hasn't already been used by someone or other!. this one is that the characters' own flaws drive them apart!. yes, i know, this is very a la wuthering heights, but you can adapt it to fit your story!.
- or maybe you could have the (proverbial) love traingle and the person that everyone's rooting for is picked!.!.!.and then your heroine realizes she really loved the other guy more the whoel time!.

i don't know much about romance but those are some *broad* suggestions!.Www@QuestionHome@Com