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Position:Home>Books & Authors> What happens when you like "Twilight" just a bit too much?

Question: What happens when you like "Twilight" just a bit too much!?
Like most teenagers, my daughter is a huge fan of the "Twilight" series, so I transformed her into a vampire!. This is an obvious fake, but what do you think!?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
HAHA lol that’s not quite what the vampires looked like in the book lol but that is really cool! If you want her to look like a “twilight” vampire then the color of her eyes are perfect but the shape of the pupil isn’t quite like a cat in the books their skin is super pale and they don’t have fangs!. it's really cute that you did this for her! i would love to know what i would look like if i was a vampire! good job =]Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you like Twilight a bit too much, then reality tends to come bite you in the behind and you end up like this:


Despite that, very nice job despite being what you would call an "obvious fake!." It definitely looks like a transformation!. Just don't let her get carried away!. :3Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, when you like it a bit too much, some people snap and go insane (like me yay!) and some people just plain love it!.

That looks really good!. If you want me to correct you, the Twilight vampires dont look anything like that!. No fangs, just very sharp teeth!. But your daughter looks pretty though ^^Www@QuestionHome@Com

Lol yes im a obsessed twilight teenage fan like everyone else!. Ive been looking up vampires and started thinking there real and wanted to be one too!. But i realized it all fake just board people wanting to feel special!. Just make sure she understands that and doesn't mix up fake stuff with reality!. As long as it not taking over her whole life let her have some fun!. P!.S!. love what you did to her that awesome!!!!!!


Wow, nicely done! However, i do have to say that the Twilight vampires have no fangs!. only razor-sharp teeth (I'm a perfectionist with this kind of thing, and i'm obsessed with that series!. :))!. the eyes are amazing! They look like cats eyes! And i LOVE her hair! That purple is wicked sick!

?Graceful Little Alice?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Aw, how cute! That would've been a great cosplay to wear at a release party, though what you've done is fairly easy to do in real-life: a wig (you can buy good quality white wig on ebay for as little as $10, and then dye it with sharpie marker ink) and some contacts!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you like Twilight too much you become an obsessive fangirl that thinks they are going to marry Edward Cullen or Jacob Black!. It's sickening, it really is!. I'd say that a pretty decent picture touch though!. Kudos to you!Www@QuestionHome@Com

those contacts are AWESOME!.

and purple hair!?
i'm so jealous!.


but yeah, just no fangs next time!.
and maybe pale her up a bit!?
get some pasty make up and get her super pale!.

that's all!.

jolly good job!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That's very good! But some corrections!.!.!.
No fangs
A tad paler skin
I love the Purple Hair

But i agree as long as she doesnt mix up reality and fantasy shes fine!. I am also a crazed Twilight lover!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

O!.O Woah!.!.!.That!.!.!.is!.!.!.AWESOME!!! Trust me if you like Twilight just a bit too much, you will get addicted like my friend!. She knows everything about the books!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

When you like Twilight too much you turn into a Twilight Twinkie!. Welcome to Twinkieville!. Pax-CWww@QuestionHome@Com

Oh thats only stage one!. You become!.!. well I'd rather not say!. But, it makes your friend looks even worse than Persiphone's 'twinkies'!. Trust me, not pretty!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yea, good job!Www@QuestionHome@Com