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Question: Can anyone give me information of the elemental powers!?
im writing a storyWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Here are the astrological traits typically associated with each element and how they interact with each other:

FIRE: Fire represents one's desires and creative energies!. The Fire signs are associated with action, passion, energy, and heat, and people with a lot of fire in their make up are confident, bright, warm, exciting, and easily take the initiative!. In combination with the other elements, fire feels that earth will smother it, water will douse it, but air will fan and enliven it!. It is the element of focus and prosperity!.

EARTH: Earth represents one's material resources, environment and possessions!. The Earth signs are associated with sensation, stability and practicality, and people with a lot of earth in their make up are solid, dependable, thorough, responsible, cautious, overexertive, overprotective, and quiet!. In combination with the other elements, earth feels that air will suffocate it, fire will burn it, but water will refresh and nourish it!. It is the element of strength and growth!.

AIR: Air represents the intellect and one's ability to reason and communicate!. The Air signs are associated with thought, perspective, hastiness, and communication, and people with a lot of air in their make up are intellectual, objective, lively, idealistic and articulate!. In combination with the other elements, air feels that water will obscure it, earth will suffocate it, but fire will inspire and uplift it!. It is the element of agility and beauty!.

WATER: Water represents imagination, human feelings and one's ability to love and sustain!. The Water signs are associated with growth processes, imagination, identification and emotion, and people with a lot of water in their make up are sensitive, seductive, intuitive, imaginative, insightful, secretive, loving, learned, and moody!. In combination with the other elements, water feels that fire will make it boil, air will evaporate it, but earth will shape and channel it!. It is the element of healing and spirit!.

Hope this helps you out!. :-)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Earth, air, fire, water!?
Look at the temperaments of the elements around you!. What is the fire like, is it fierce, untamable, calm, cuddly!.!.!. Water, can be calm but also quick to suddenly be raging water, as in a calm person that is quick to anger!. I'm writing a story involving the elements too and you really just need to be aware of what they are doing around you and pick the parts of them you need and apply them to your story!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

like fire, water, air, and earth!?

fire: humans naturally are fire!. they are brave and courageous when they're good, but power seeking and dominant when bad!.

water: mysterious!. they are naturally quiet and secluded!. when they are good, they are polite and seek spiritual and mental guidance!. when they are bad, they are cold and ruthless!.

air: independence!. they don't need others to survive!.

earth: they are the nicest, yet the most dependent!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Earth air water fire and the spirit are the 5 elementsWww@QuestionHome@Com