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Question: Is Anna Karenina a good book!?
I liked all of Jane Austen's books, The Catcher in the Rye, pretty much all historical fiction, and Atonement!.
Anyways, someone recommended "War and Peace" by Leo Tolstoy to me, but the book is like (literally) 2000 pages (and it's double-columned like a Bible!. Talk about thick)!. I knew that there was noo way I could finish that in 6 weeks (which is the max time you can keep a book from our library), so I looked at another book by him, "Anna Karenina"!.
Soo, my questions are:
1- Is this book as good as War & Peace!?
2- Do you think I'd like it!?

Thanks in advance :-)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I agree with the other answerers, Tolstoy is very, very different from Jane Austen!.

For me, Tolstoy was a great introduction to Russian literature!. His writing is detailed, realistic, and beautifully descriptive!. Reading War and Peace gave me a great historical/cultural background of a country I knew practically nothing about!. Anna Karenina focuses a little more on the personal and philosophical lives of the characters!.!.!.

If you're afraid of density (Anna Karenina is not light reading), you could start out with some of Tolstoy's own short stories, such as 'The Death of Ivan Ilych,' or another absolutely wonderful introduction to Russian literature would be, as someone else mentioned, Anton Chekhov ( http://www!.amazon!.com/Complete-Short-Nov!.!.!. )!. But, one of the first books that ever got me interested in reading fiction (there was a time when I read exclusively nonfiction) was War and Peace, and I enjoyed it without knowing anything about Russia, or literature in general; so I honestly don't think you'll have a problem with Anna Karenina, especially since you like historical novels!.

Yes it is as good as War and Peace!. I can't say if it is better (they're both equal!), but I prefer it just very slightly!.!.!. Both novels do have a lot of pages, but they are in no way dull or hard to get through!.

Anna Karenina, in my opinion, is a perfect novel!. It's tragic, beautiful, and intensely realistic!. Anna is a woman stuck in a dull and loveless marriage, until one day when she meets a certain Count Vronsky!.!.!. But she is not the only main character in the book!. There are lots of characters, and it's a novel primarily about the way in which different people struggle to find happiness and meaning in their lives!. What struck me most about this novel was how realistic the characters were!. There are no heroes or villains here!. Anna is not completely innocent, but not completely to blame either!.!.!. Yeah, I'm pretty sure you'll like it!

And from there, hopefully you'll want to check out the other Russians!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Anna Karenina is such a great book, but seems to me that you′re very young, Tolstoi is so much intense than J!. Austen, and his style rather different, Why don′t you try with Nokolai Gogol, or a few of the Tolstoi Tales-Stories, or even Chéjov, before!? and then you decides by yourself if you like the style!. About War and Peace, is the best novel of war ever written, don′t be afraid by the number of pages, think in the story, you can always re-schedule at the library, be prepared for a big exploration of the French-Russian War of the 1800's!.
good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I loved it (also, get a different edition of War and Peace, double-columns is no way to read a book)!. I have not read War and Peace, but Anna Karenina is a little easier to get into!.

The translation I read was by David Magarshack, but the pair of translators mentioned by an earlier poster did a lovely job with The Idiot (by Dostoevsky), and so I would recommend either edition for you to read!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Anna Karenina and War and Peace are my mother's and father's favourite books, respectively!. And I can't decide which I prefer!. Anna Karenina is fantastic!. It has human and political interest, fantastically rounded characters, a massive plot that is a joy to read and is just brimming with stuff and events and I love it and it's brilliant and it's about Russia!. It's my favourite book, joint with War and Peace!. I can't explain how fantastic it is!. Please read it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!. Yes it is!.
Look for a good translation, by I think it's Paven (Englishman) and Volonsky (Russian woman)!.!.!.

2!. Yes, I do think you'll like it, very much!.

3!. Greta Garbo made a movie of it in 1935, which is also good, but of course books are a step ahead!.

4!. Hope you get started on 'the Russians' (as I tag them) soon!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have read War and Peace a long time ago and really enjoyed it!. I recently found a copy of Anna Karenina in a charity shop, I am really looking forward to read it, I was told its brilliant!. Shall we read it together and compare notes!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I agree with the last reviewer, it might be a good idea to check out some Russian short stories before plunging into the biggest works!. Turgenev, Chekov, and Gogol are all excellent choices!. Dostoevsky's short novel "Notes from Underground" is also excellent!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I've never read War and Peace, but I have read Anna Karenina, all of Jane Austen's books, and Atonement!. I loved all those books!. I believe that you would enjoy Anna Karenina!.!.!. seems like we have pretty similar tastes!. Enjoy the read!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Anna Karenina is beautifully written, and the epitome of intrigue and romance! Typical Tolstoy!
Regarding War and Peace, it may be available for reading online!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


Depends!. Are you afraid of trains!?

Just kidding!.

It's a pretty good book, but typical of Russian literature in that it tends to be a little long-winded and heavy on the imagery compared to the work of writers from other countries!. If you're a big fan of Russian lit, you'll probably love Anna Karenina!. Tolstoy is not like Austen!. They're two different beasts, both good in their own ways!.

War and Peace is a magnificent book, but it takes a lot of work to get through!. IMO it's worth it, but it might not be worth it for you!. I won't tell you to read it if the size turns you off!. Anna Karenina is much easier to read, but it's still no walk in the park!. It's typical Tolstoy, and typical Russian literature!.Www@QuestionHome@Com