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Question: What does library binding entail!?
would a library binding be hard or soft cover!? Why do they cost much more tan standard versions!? do they last longer/ are more well made!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
For the most part the usage of books within libraries (especially within public libraries or other libraries which lean books out) is much more intense than private usage of a book!. If a book is borrowed and read very often (200 or 300 times is not unlikely for a public library) there is really great stress on the binding!. That is why library bindings are used!. For the reasons just mentioned library bindings arein fact mostly hard cover bindings!. They cost more because they are better quality (more robust [= more expensive] materials etc!.) and can "survive" heavily use of the book for a longer time than non-library-bindings (= yes, the do last longer than standard bindings)!. If the book has to be rebound for the library because the publisher delivers softcover only you also have to take into consideration the cost of labour of the bookbinder!. Library bindings are also used if a library wants to bind together several issues of a journal to a "volume"!.
(E!.g!. volume 2007 of "Library quarterly" = All 4 issues of "Library quarterly" published in 2007 and bound together at the end of the year!.) If you need fruther informations I'd recommend to go to a local library and ask the staff there how they handle binding problems!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think I've noticed two different types of library binding!. One type is a paperback whose cover has been somehow covered in plastic and made very stiff!. The other type is when they take the pages from a book with a wrecked cover, and re-bind it with heavy-duty cardboard and paper that comes in a variety of different colors and patterns!. Sometimes they do it to new paperbacks to make them last longer!.

I don't know why the plastic-ized paperbacks might cost more, but the special- or re-bound hardcovers probably cost more because they're designed to last longer than regular hardcovers!. I'm working in a public library right now, so I've seen plenty library-bound books in varying condition!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hard-cover, always!. The binding is less decorative, but sturdier and made to last, because a library book is read over and over again!.Www@QuestionHome@Com