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Question: Searching for reputable international book fairs in where you can present your work to potential buyers!?
Book fairs!. I am looking for a list of international book fairs in where you can present your manuscript for TV series consideration and novel manuscripts!. Anyone know of a website that w?uld have this list!? thanks kindlyWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Writer's conferences typically do the sort of thing you want!. Book fairs are mostly for publishers!.

Check and see if there is an organization in your area that specializes in your genre (Romance Writers of America, Science Fiction Writers Association, etc) and then see when their conferences are!. Even the regional conferences often have editor and agent appointments available for the attendees!. You do need to register for the conference and, to be honest, it can be costly!.

You might do better to write a smashing query letter and start submitting to the publishers and agents best suited to your work!.Www@QuestionHome@Com