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Question: Why is twilight so underated!?
some anti-twilighter keeps gettin muh question removed so here it is again

How com Twilight is so underrated!? How come crap like Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, and steven king get sooooo much attention while Twilight gets ignroed and slandered by people who think they are better than ne1 else!? i wanna no why a great classic llyk twilight dont get the proper respect it deserves!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
That is a good question!. By removed you mean then kep reporting it!? Thats dumb and not fair you have the right to ask questions no matter what they are about,unless its perverted stuff!. It does get ignored and its annoying!. i think its a great book about love, i dont see why everyone else feels the need to make fun of it!. Harry Potter is stupid, Lord of the rings is stupid also (dnt be offended but they are) and Stephen Kings books are just i dont like them!. People should respect other peoples fav books if they want respect back!.
<3Team Edward<3Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm sorry, but are you serious!? People are going nuts about Twilight and Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, and Steven King are not crap!. Twilight is getting a ton of attention, a movie, bestsellers and just about 80%of the people on yahoo answers goes nuts about the books!. I like them to but honesly Harry Potter and the others are classics that have gained resepct over the years!. It took time for all these books to become popular!. Twilight does not receive as much attention because it is a newer series and it appeals (for the most part) to teenage girls to where the others appeal to a wider audience!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Look at Twilight's audience: teen girls!.!.!.a very specific group!. Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, and Stephen King direct themselves at a larger population of readers!.

And what about people who think they're better than everyone else!? How does that relate to your question!?

Twilight is not a great classic, either!. It's a book that will be forgotten in ten years, while Lord of the Rings has been around since 1938!. Stephen King is probably the greatest horror author of our time!. Harry Potter is!.!.!.Harry Potter!. If you need a reason for why its better than Twilight, its because, again, it directs to a larger audience!. Adults to third-graders read Harry Potter, girls and boys, not "emo" teenage girls, like yourself!.

Twilight does not deserve slander, but you cannot force respect on it that it hasn't earned!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Twilight doesn't get as much attention as the Lord of the Rings because it is on a different literary level!. It is a teen romance novel!. It doesn't have enough depth, research or quality to be mentioned among great fiction works!. Though perhaps an adequate momentary "fix" for teens; its background, story and writing are too shallow to stand the test of time!.

Besides that it's unrealistically bent to endear the insecurities of young girls!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I adore Twilight-- I've read the books, I'm waiting for Breaking Dawn, I want to see the movie, and I met Stephenie Meyer!. It *is not* underrated!. It gets far more attention than any other book right now!. People just get fed up because there are hundreds of questions getting asked, when a simple search could give you thousands of results!. It's annoying!.

And Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, and Steven King *are not* crap!. If you actually bothered to pick the books up and read them, you might discover that for yourself!.

As far as Twilight being a classic!? Hardly!. Again, I love the books, but they're a fad!. You'll soon outgrow the books, and they'll be nothing more than a fond memory, and then other fads will come around!.

And, if you want Twilight to get respect, start typing properly in a way that would help get you more respect!. 4 sum reason, typing lyk this gets u noooo respect!. U shuld pick up a dictionary or sumthin!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Personally, I like Twilight, but here's the issue: it is in no way a "great classic"!. I wouldn't even consider Harry Potter a "great classic"!. Lord of the Rings, maybe!.!.!. but great classics!? Pride and Prejudice, Great Gatsby, etc!. These books tested the social standards of society and studied human behavior in the individual!. This is just one characteristic of these classic novels, but it is a strong one!. And as entertaining as Twilight is, it doesn't have the capacity to stand up to these novels in that way!.

It's a fun read for teens, but I couldn't possibly see future generations reading it to understand our current era and/or society because the story isn't built on that type of foundation!. Again, don't get me wrong, the Twilight series is great!. And I'm personally much looking forward to both Breaking Dawn and the movie when it's released! And I've met Stephenie Meyer, and she is a great woman!. But you cannot take these books too seriously because they're not meant to be taken seriously!.

And one more thing, on a general note: Try not to get too annoyed with people that don't like the same things you like!. It's really frustrating to have people tear down your interests (believe me, I know!), but people are always going to try!. Take their complaints and criticism in stride, and don't let go of what makes you happy!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Twilight is a great book, and many think that also!. The fact is, the majority of people enjoy the fantasy that has generally been in our culture for a while!. Harry Potter has the magic and witches and wizards!. Some don't really think much of a human falling in love with a vampire!. It is also not as well written as Lord of the Rings!. Twilight needs time to grow and be appreciated a bit longer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, I still think you're trolling, but okay, I'll answer your questions!.

1) It's not underrated!. It's a national bestseller with thousands of fans!. (Myself included)

2) First, they are NOT crap!. They are all very wonderfully written!. Second, Twilight may have lots of haters, but it's got more fans than haters!.

3) It's not a classic, and like I said, it gets more respect than it does hate!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Lots of people feel that Twilight is only popular than Harry Potter because the Harry Potter series is already done!. I think that Stephenie's writing isn't as good as J!.K!.'s though, so I like the Harry Potter books more!. also, Harry Potter is a more creative story than Twilight is!. But I still love both series!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I agree that Twilight is a good book, but you don't have to put other great authors down!. J!.K!. Rowling is a very good author and a billionaire!. Tolkien is amazing as well!. Maybe you have a limited mind so you don't understand the depths and true meaning of his work!. And Steven King! How can you even compare his genius to Stephanie Meyer (not even close!) Stephanie Meyer is a surface author!. There is no hidden meaning!. She targetted 14 and 15 year olds, so that must be how old you are!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

ok, thank you aly!! exactly what i think but much better worded than i could ever have put it!!!! everyone goes crazy over twilight, how can you say that everyone hates it!!?!!?!!? if you look here like every other freaking question is like "oh my god, how much do you love edward" or stupid junk like that!!! and you know if you put out a question saying "what book should i read!?" the ONLY answer you are going to get is "twilight"!. could you POSSIBLY be ANY LESS original!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? i mean i thought it was ok until everyone started making such a huge deal out of it and now i am starting not to like it because of all the stupid fanatics who can't accept that some other people might be entitled to their own OPINION!!! who freaking cares if someone doesn't like it!!! so ignore them!! be the bigger person! declare your "superiority" JUST IGNORE IT!!! and by the way you have no right calling those other books crap and twilight a classic!. a CLASSIC!? please!. maybe, MAYBE in like 100 years but until then you just keep telling yourself that!. i think the dumb books got more than their fair share of respect!.!.!.YOU are the one who seems to think you are better than everyone else!
ps "sounds painful" and everyone else like that--you hit the nail right on the head!! (without ranting like me!)Www@QuestionHome@Com

First off, Harry Potter, LOTR, and Stephen King are NOT crap!.

Second, are you joking!? Or have you not been on Yahoo Answers for very long!? People go crazy over Twilight!. People love it!.

Third, it isn't a classic!. Classics are books that have been popular for at least a century!.

Finally, people hate it because!.!.!.!.I don't really know why!. Maybe they don't find it worth their time!. Maybe they just hate the die-hard fans too much to care about the book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Twilight is NOT a classic!. A classic is a book that is - and remains - popular over a century!.

I guarantee you that Twilight will fizzle it, and never become a classic!.

And honestly, if every other question on the board was not: "OMG! How much do you love Twilight!?" or "OMG! Who should Bella choose!?" !.!.!. I would not be so annoyed by it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Gimmie a break!. You posted this question the other night and my answer still stands!.


If you want to be taken serious, then type human!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

tWILIGHT IS more popular than harry potter OFFICIALLY!!!! goto www!.hisgoldeneyes!.com and theres an article about it also stephenie meyer is one of the most inspirational ppl in the times magazine top 100 most inspirational pplWww@QuestionHome@Com

There are too any rubbish questions about it and repeated constantly! Especially questions about loving different charactors in the book! They are words on the page not real people! No way is it a classic either!

Stephen King is a Master of his craft!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes!.!. i Dont get it when the anti-twilighters click on twilight questions just to criticise!.!. its stupid!.!. no one is forcing to answer the question or read it!.!. no need to spread your hate for it and criticise what other people likeWww@QuestionHome@Com

good question!.
no-one has even heard of it where i live apart from me, and a few of my friends that i obsess over the book with!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

thats a really good question but i really dont know maybe because people ask so much questions and repeat the same ones over and over on yahoo answers but they deserve alot better because they are amazing booksWww@QuestionHome@Com

Maybe after the movies out everybody would want to read the books!!Www@QuestionHome@Com


It's an international best seller and being made into a movie!.

What more do you want!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

a klot of people are IDIOTS!. plain and simple!.
thye like retarded magic stuff!. twilight should be required to read for school! lol
? a super huge fanpire!Www@QuestionHome@Com

LOL twilight is getting alot of respect! but some people i guess you can say there JELOUS that twilights been out for such little time and already is really famous because harry potter and the other books have been out for quite awhile now!.!.!.!.yeah but the books will be read from everyone after the movie or breaking dawn!.Www@QuestionHome@Com