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Question: Secret garden by frances hodgson burnett- culture!?
i'd like it if someone could help explain to me what culture mary found herself in, and how she interacted with it in the secret garden by frances hodgson burnett!? thanks!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Mary came from India, where she was the daughter of a British army officer and his frivolous fun-loving wife, who had littel time for her!. She had been looked after by Indian servants who treated her with great reverence, which has not been good for her character!. And the hot climate of India has made her sickly and cross!. After her parents die, she is sent to Yorkshire in england, to live with her wealthy uncle, who is away a lot!. She found the servants more robust and independent, and less inclined to put up with her rudeness and arrogance!. This is quite a shock to Mary, who is used to servility!. But gradually she begins to change!.

She gradually adapts to the English climate and to the people she finds herself amongst!. The plain-speaking cheerful maid Martha, the grumpy old gardener Ben Weathrstaff, and Martha's happy animal-loving younger brother Dickon, all have a beneficial effect on Mary!. The healthy fresh air and exercise, the cheerful nononsense people, and her growing interest in the secret garden, transform her from a sickly, sullen, bad-tempered child into an eager, enthusiastic, lively person!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The culture would be late Victorian English society of the landed gentry which would be a change from India where Mary was raised!.

"When an outbreak of cholera makes her an orphan, she is sent to Misselthwaite Manor, an isolated country house in Yorkshire, England!. "Www@QuestionHome@Com

Mary was living in India when her parents died!. She was taken to England to live with her uncle who had a garden that was locked because his wife died there!. Mary discovered who she was in the garden and brought it and the boy back to life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com