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Question: Books similar to Cirque Du Freake or Demonata!?
I'm a big fan of Darren Shan!. I love his Cirque Du Freake series and his Demonata series!. And I need some books to read!. Cause I've read both series' like 10 times now!.!. I think its time to find a new book!.!.!. Any suggestions!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I love darren shan books also!!

His demonta books are my fave!

I dont know how old you are so i dont know if they woud appeal to you or not, but he does write another series of books they are meant for adults, but they appeal to me and im a teenager!.

Its called the city triology and its like afantasy thing!.

Theres a link here :http://www!.amazon!.co!.uk/Procession-Dead-!.!.!.

also if you go on his website, there is a forum on there where all darren shan fans talk and ask questions, so you'll probably get a much better answer on there!

Good luck and happy reading! :)Www@QuestionHome@Com