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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Is Heart of Darkness by that conrad dude a good book?

Question: Is Heart of Darkness by that conrad dude a good book!?
i have to read it for my english 4 ap class this summer,but im not really fond of the books they choose,but can somebody elaborate on the summary!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It's a great book - and very short! (Under a hundred pages in my version)!.

The plot is basically as follows: Young Englishman, Marlowe, sets off on a riverboat journey into the uncharted heart of Africa!. Along the way, he keeps hearing about this super-productive guy named Kurtz, and gets really excited to meet this fellow!. Come to find out, Kurtz is a complete loony!. Marlowe's journey takes him into the depths of Africa and the depths of human immorality!.

You'll find the "heart of darkness" of the title refers not just to the dark unexplored places on the map, but to the darkness within the human heart as well!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Oh god no!. I've actually read it!. It's considered a classic, but so is Moby Dick and that book's a turd!. The movie Apocalypse Now is loosely based on it!. It's the kind of book where if you liked the movie, you still won't like the book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

lol@conrad dude!.!.!.

if you've read it you would have the summary yourself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com