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Question: Journal Entries!?
I want to start writing a journal, but I don't know what a format would look like!. Could you show me an example!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You can use whatever format you like!.

Personally, I date it at the top using the full date format (June 26, 2008) and number the entry on the opposite side of the date (#__)!. I skip a line and then start writing!. I've never written "Dear Diary" because I feel like that sounds immature and ridiculous!. I just plunge into whatever I'm feeling that day!. I guess my style is kind of like blogging - I just go right in and see what comes out!. Usually I'll end up writing things I didn't even know were on my mind - it's interesting to see what happens!.

I'm not a fan of lined journals, but I LOVE journals that are full of graph paper!. My favorites are the Jill Bliss journals, which I buy at my local Barnes and Noble!. They have some blank pages, too, which is nice for sketching, etc!. Moleskines are very popular, unlined, but are also rather expensive because of the material they're made of!. Then again, you may go for a journal with lines, if it's hard for you to write in straight lines (sometimes it's hard for me haha)!.

I would recommend buying a premade journal so that you're committed to filling it out!. Notebooks never seem to go well for me!. They have shelves of them at bookstores, and you can find one that fits your personal style!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Dear Diary,

Blah blah!. My day was blah blah!. I thoughted deep thoughts today!. Lol!. These are my deep thoughts!. I like that girl in science class!. Loodly doo!.

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