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Question: What do you use as a bookmark!?
I've been using cards from a deck of cards (mostly the Ace of Spades) What do YOU use!?!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
well i have a bad habit of folding the pages!.!.!. bookmarks always slip off!.!.!. but b4 all of this i would use a dollar bill--it's less slippery!.!.!. ^-^Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't like bookmarks, so I just flip through until I find the spot I left off!. It's been working for my whole life!. Every time I try to use a bookmark I would just get annoyed with it because it always seemed to be in the way!. It just ended up being a nusicance!. Not to mention that because I enjoy reading so much, I'm always getting bookmarks as gifts for whatever and I feel so bad because if I don't use it then they'll know I didn't like the gift, but if I do then the only thing that'll come out of it will be frustration!. Who would have thought a bookmark could cause so much trouble!. -_-'Www@QuestionHome@Com

generally, i use whatever is handy!. sometimes, its the due date card from the library, other times its a napkin, newspaper, ribbon, index card, homework scrap (lol), or basically, whatever is in front of me!. at the moment, im doing a summer reading program, so that sheet is in one of the books im in the middle of!.!.!.!.i used to dog-ear, but i saw how much that harmed the book, and even if the bookmark is pulled out, i can always flip through and find my page, which i do a lot!.!.!.!.but, if i just put it away for a second or so, i put it face down or memorize the page number!.!.!.


Yeah, the corner of the page :-) Because I'm lazy and never have time to keep up with a bookmark!. Plus, if someone takes a bookmark out of your book, you can't find where you were (unless you memorized the page number)!. However, if you dog-ear the corners, you can find that bend just by flipping through the pages (unless it's War and Peace--that book is HEEUUGGEE!)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I order all my books on hold and when they come from the library each of them has a handy slip like a grocery slip hanging out of it!. These are perfect!. I do have book marks, some really lovely ones, but they are always over there and I am over here!. If I lose a slip I shove kleenex in there!. To avoid damaging books in such inconsiderate ways I suggest you sit and finish the book so you don't have to reduce yourself to such slothful ways!!! I always use that as MY justification for reading rather than doing those pesky chores!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I like to use the free ones at the Barnes and Noble Starbucks cafe counter!. There is a different one promoting a different beverage every time I go! I also picked up a couple free ones at a local bookstore!. I have a particular one reserved for when I read Jane Austens, but other than that I stick with the free ones!Www@QuestionHome@Com

My current bookmark is a receipt from Panda Express from lunch a few months ago!. But I have used everything from a straw wrapper to an envelope in the past!. At home, I just usually place the book face down wherever I am and pick it up the next day!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I like the folded cardboard kind that has magnets in them to hold them on the page that you mark!. But they are hard to find so I usually end up using a sticky note or a paperclip!. Can't tell I'm a secretary, can you!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I usually just bend the corner of the page to mark my spot :D!. I know, I know, bad habits!. Other time I just rip a small piece of paper out of a notebook or off of an old school assignment and I use that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Bookmarks my friends make for me (one of my friends actually got mad at me for folding the corner of the page so she made me a bookmark)
I use a napkin!. XDWww@QuestionHome@Com

I use a notecard, mostly because of hundreds of them for school!. Plus, it comes in handy when I need to remember something for later!. I just write it on the notecard! One place I know I'll look!. :0]Www@QuestionHome@Com

random scraps of paper, usually from the newspaper!. i always lose the bookmarks from scolastic or whatever!. and if i lose the newspaper scrap, i can always get a new one!Www@QuestionHome@Com

well, either a bookmark or!.!.!.

I used to crease the corners of pages, but I later found that those creases remain forever, so I stopped doing that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I usually dog-ear or bend the pages, but then I noticed it destroys the book, so I just use a piece of notebook paper folded a couple times!.


i bought a bunch of bookmarks from the scholastic fairs when i was younger!.!.!.!. i still have a few around and i just use them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A heavy post-card (the free ones with restaurant advertising) or an index card!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have a really pretty bookmark made of metal in the shape of a swan that I can clip on the pageWww@QuestionHome@Com