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Question: Possible cover ideas for my novel!?
“Show us your arm Laura” Amelia spoke her voice rippling through the air!.
I pulled back the woollen sleeve of Gloria’s cardigan!. My eyes widened!.
The same pattern of my veins lay running in junction underneath my skin!. It matched theirs perfectly, an immaculate copy!.
“Blood never lies Laura!. It always holds the truth!.” Alexander said smoothly his eyes shinnying triumphantly in the light!.

Living in the most exclusive neighbourhood in Hanover, attending a prestigious private school and just surviving the irritation of her older brother!. Life seems normal for Laura Marsden, until she meets the new student, the seductive Casper Thomas!.

Casper is completely different almost dangerous to anything Laura has ever known, along with his shadowy enthralling friends it soon becomes enticing for Laura!. But is she strong enough to accept what they might be beneath their flawless surface, or in turn is she strong enough to accept she really is!?

Suddenly the Vampires’ revived feud with neighbouring Shape-shifters rises and they become the targets of a group of vampire hunters!. And Laura wrestling with her newly found power is her families and friends only hope !. !. !.
Or is she!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
i did not know if you publish a novel that you have no say so on the cover!. this is news to me!. i am just an avid reader and lover of books, but i know nothing of getting published!. i would suggest some slight blood dripping, a dark cover, vampire or vampire teeth, and an arm of a person i guess!. i don't know!. good luck with all your writings, though!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Vampire dripping blood on a skullWww@QuestionHome@Com

to my friends and family i suggest!?Www@QuestionHome@Com