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Question: Question thing!?!? bad name for a question!?
well how old do u think is the youngest author!?!? ^^ is she or he a teen or watWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The youngest author ever!?

Jason Gaes wrote a moderately successful non-fiction book on his personal experiences called "My Book for Kids With Cansur" (sic) when he was eight!. Diagnosed with Burkitt's lymphoma at six, and given a 1 in 5 chance of survival, Jason felt there should be a book about childhood cancer, telling young people they didn't have to die!. An independent film called "You Don't Have to Die" and a play were based on the book!. In 1988, President Reagan awarded Jason the American Cancer Society's "Courage Award!."

A particularly impressive one is by six-year-old Christopher Beale, who wrote a full-length five chapter novel, This and Last Season's Excursions!.

So, no, not a teen at all!. A toddler would be a mroe appropriate word :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

you want to know whether you're old enough to publish a book, i presume!? i'm a teenager too, by the way!. just informing you- my spelling words correctly on yahoo! answers doesn't automatically make me in my mid-thirties!.

anyway i don't suppose it matters as long as your story's good!.!.!.although don't quote me i know absolutely nothing about this stuff, being young and naive as i am!.!.!.

i heard that christopher paolini wrote eragon when he was fifteen and that was a total lotr ripoff, but it was self-published, i think, so i don't know how that works!.!.!.

good luck anyways!Www@QuestionHome@Com