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Question: Maus by Art Spiegelman!?
I hear of this graphic novel called Maus by Art Spiegelman!. Is the book any good!? I heard that there are more than one book, what are the names of all the books!? It looks like a really good Holocaust book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The Maus books are great, I would definitely recommend them!. It's basically his father telling him what happened to him and his family during Holocaust, with inserts of the present time!. Shocking, no wonder, but it also makes you smile at places!. It has real depth, a great read and well drawn!.
(The psychiatrist in it gives the best "description" of what a death-camp FELT like, it's worth reading just for that!.)

Another Holocaust book: Imre Kertész: Fatelessness
It won the Nobel-prize for literature in 2002!. This is also a real life story, the author was interned to Auschwitz then to Buchenwald when he was only 14!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

'Maus' by Art Spiegelman was followed up by 'Maus II!.' (He also wrote a great book about Sept!. 11 called 'In the Shadow of No Towers!.!.!.) Both were great: I would have thought that Jewish mice, German cats, and British dogs would be distracting, but it is so easy to get enraptured by the story!.

How about 'The Diary of a Young Girl' by Anne Frank!? You have to get a copy that was published after Anne Frank's father lost control of the manuscript!. He heavily edited the original!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The first one is called Maus!.

The second is called Maus II!. I'm not kidding!.

They are really good, I flew through them and enjoyed them very much!.Www@QuestionHome@Com