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Question: What are some cures for writer's block!?
It never fails that I'll get this great idea for a novel, I start to write it, then I either get distracted from it or come up with a blank!. It's like I can't get this idea down on paper!. I've tried different styles of writing, I've tried outlines, I've tried writing from scratch, I've tried typing it up on a document, I've tried writing it down with paper and pen, I've tried everything!. I guess what I'm asking for is!.!.!.help!? :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
i definitely go through the EXACT same thing when i try to write a paper, song, or story!.

sometimes it helps to just get a piece of paper, and write random words or pictures that'll help you remember your storyline!. just short words and phrases and simple pictures!. don't spend too much time on this, just put all your ideas down as fast as you can, so you don't forget!

also, when you get that blank, don't stop thinking! try to clear your mind and think hard about what your ideas were!. most of the time, if you keep focused on one thing for a while, it comes back to you!. make sure you work in a quiet environment, or carry around a small notepad and jot an idea down, if something just comes to you during the day!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Make a grocery list of your ideas and wait for them to speak up again in the (probably) near future!. In the meantime, besides keeping this idea list [like: 1!. There are monkeys in the closet!. They wait for me to sleep!. Why are they there, waiting!? 2!. The car was everything she dreamed of, and it would take her far!. (Et cetera!.)]

Then, if you haven't already, maybe you can try someone else's writing prompts, just to keep your writing practice happening!.
This site is safe and has over 300 prompts!. You run the arrow over a number and a prompt shows!. If you don't like it, try more until you find one you like!. There are some very good ones, and I've only looked at maybe 10, at the most!.

It's a daily exercise, if you want it to be, and reading good books will keep you in the writerly vein as well!.
You'll be fine!. ADD: really!. because you're having ideas!. it'll be okay in time!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I suffer from that too, so I don't know how much of a help I'll be!. What I suggest is, write them all down and then, come back to them later!. Or, try smaller stories!. One you have a beginning, middle, end on just a couple pages!. Outlines should help, maybe if you made them a little more detailed!?
I wish you the best of luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, what helps for me is to watch different genres of movies, and imagine your characters in different situations!. Sometimes taking yourself (and your characters!) out of your comfort zone really can help the inspiration flow!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Listen to music that has thesame mood as your story, sometimes that helps me :)

you could always save the idea for later and move on to another story, come back to it later :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Try outlines again, but this time write a small outline for each scene (short story) or chapter (longer story)!. also, you want to take a break from your story and look at it with a fresh mind!.


This always happens to me! Well, i came up with a story where a man takes hostages, but the hostages kill the man, but then the hostages start dying days later, and it turns out that one of the hostages was the killer!. This took me over 3 days to clear up!. Just divide your time and think about your ideas and then write down possible scenarios, possible endings, beginnings, middle parts, then combine them together to see which one makes sense!. This strategy has helped me write 9 stories!. Hope I could help!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hi, I am Alex!. Once you read this you cannot get out!. Finish reading this
until it is done! As I said, I am Alex!. I am 7 years old!. I have no eyes
and blood all over my face!. I am dead!. I will come to your house at midnight and I'll hide under your bed!.
When you're asleep, I'll kill you!.
Don't believe me!?

Case 1:
Patty Buckles
Got this e-mail!. She doesn't believe in chain letters!. Well, Foolish Patty!.
She was sleeping when her TV started flickering on and off!. Now she's not
with us anymore!. Ha ha patty, Ha ha! You don't want to be like Patty, do

Case 2:
George M!. Simon
Hates chain mail, but he didn't want to die that night!. He sent it to 4
people!. Not good enough George!. Now, George is in a coma, we don't know if
he'll ever wake up!. Ha ha George, Ha ha! Now, do you want to be like George!?

Case 3:
Valarie Tyler
She got this letter!. Another chain letter she thought!. Only had 7 people to
send to!. Well, That night when she was having a shower she saw bloody Mary
in the mirror!. It was the BIGGEST fright of her life!. Valarie is scarred for

Case 4:
Derek Minse
This is the final case I'll tell you about!. Well, Derek was a smart person!.
He sent it to 12 people!. Later that day, he found a $100!.00 bill on the
ground!. He was premoted to head officer at his job and his girlfriend said
yes to his purposal!. Now, Katie and him are living happily ever after!.The
have 2 beautiful children!.

Send this to at least 12 people or you'll face the consequences!.

0 people- You will die tonight

1-6 people- you will be injured

7-11 people- you will get the biggest fright of your life

12 and over- you are safe and will have good fortune!

Do What Alex Says!!!! Hurry, you must send to 12 people before midnight