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Question: Question for avid book readers!?
I just got my summer reading list for the upcoming school year!. Which book would you suggest me reading out of the following!? Please list your reason why :]

Boyd, Any Human Heart
Camus, The Stranger
Cervantes, Don Quixote
Dante, Inferno
Dumas, Count of Monte Cristo
Golding, Lord of the Flies
Grass, Tin Drum
More, Sir Thomas, Utopia
Remarque, All Quiet on the Western Front
Sartre, No Exit and Three Other Plays
Swift, Gulliver’s Travels
vonGoethe, Sorrows of Young Werther
Kazantzakis, Zorba the GreekWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I have not read all the books on that list, but out of the one's I have read, I would definitely recommend All Quiet on the Western Front!. It has a bit of a slow start but is truly a beautiful book, and a great parable on the horror of war!. While some call it the greatest anti-war novel ever written, I would not say that it is biased, or has any kind of agenda!. The writer simply writes from his experience!. The prose is very precise, stating the banality of everyday life next to the atrocities of war!. As you can see, I really loved this book and would whole heartedly recommend it!. also, Dante's Inferno is really interesting and beautifully written but, be warned, the entire thing is a poem, if you did not know this already!. It reads more like a story, but it can be a little confusing at times!. I thought that his geographic representation of Hell was fascinating, and definitely worth your time to read!. It might help you to make notes on what level of Hell they're in at any given time!. Unlike the reviewer above me, I did not enjoy Lord of the Flies!. It had its interesting points, but the characters were just too obnoxious to me!. However, I still feel that you should read it as it does have some very good symbolism and is worthy of literary merit!. Any of these three I would recommend, though Lord of the Flies with some hesitation!. Ultimately, you should base this decision on what you yourself are interested in, and what you would enjoy reading!. Nothing is worse than reading something you hate :)

P!.S!. Sorry for being so long winded, it is simply my nature


Dante's Inferno is an amazing adventure through the seven layers of hell!. It is really an amazing book!. I actually read it for pleasure after a friend recommending it to me!.

One the other hand, Count of Monte Cristo is amazing too!. A much different story, but a good one indeed!.

Out of this list, and it's quite a list, I'd highly recommend Dante!. It'll be the most fun!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I agree with another answerer, you have a lot of really great choices!.

I'd personally go with either Camus or Dante - Camus for the solid existentialism and surreal beauty of The Stranger, or Dante for the poetry and timelessness of The Inferno!.

Man, where do you go to school!? Is this a high school reading list!? My high school had the lamest reading list imaginable!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

wow!. thats a slamming summer reading list!. i would have to say Gullivers Travels!. It is about a man named Jon who goes on the journeys!. But these journeys have unusal experiences!. Overall, the story is quiet funny in some parts and an entertaining read!. but if you dont want funny!. Then I would suggest Utopia!. Its a classic!. and a book that Everyone needs to read in their lifetime!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I read Lord of the Flies by William Golding this year in school!. I loved the book, and found it very interesting!. also, it's not too long if you're not a fan of reading!

If you love to read, I would strongly suggest Dante's Inferno, definitely!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Utopia or Lord of the Flies!. Simply because those are the two out of that list that I like best!.

You should maybe research what each book is about and see which fits into your particular tastes!. Not everyone has the same taste in authors or genres!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Almost all of these are great books!.

My favorites are: The Count of Monte Cristo & Lord of the Flies!.
also, Utopia is very good and so is Gulliver's Travels!.


I've read The Stranger and All Quiet on the Western Front and enjoyed both of them!. The Stranger is relatively short, and All Quiet on the Western Front is a German novel set in WWII!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Don Quixote by Cervantes!. I don't realize how much I have aged because I am too busy tilting at windmills!. It's very entertaining and there's education about human nature without being college proffessor-ish!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

either The Stranger or Inferno personally
third choice would be Lord of the Flies
Don Quixote is also really good but very longWww@QuestionHome@Com

Lord of the Flies isn't bad!. I wouldn't call it riveting but its an easy read and easy to analyze!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I can only comment on the ones I've read, so here goes:

Don Quixote by Cervantes - very good book!. It deals with the difference between reality and dreams/hopes/ideals!. It asks the question - if believing in something that isn't real makes you a better person, isn't that just as good as if it were real!?
I recommend reading the spark notes along with the book so that you get the deeper meanings!. I don't say that to be patronizing, I say it from experience!. I read the book years ago and I know a lot of the deeper meanings flew right over my head - then later I studied it in a class and was able to understand it much better!.

The Count of Monte Cristo by Dumas - One of my absolute favorite books, but beware it's LONG!. It's full of intricate plot twists and sub-plots that all come together eventually!. Masterfully done!. I highly recommend it if you're willing to take the time with such a long book!.

Lord of the Flies by Golding - I read this when I was rather young - too young to understand the main theme!. So I can't adequately comment on it!. I remember it being rather depressing, but I'm sure if I re-read it now I'd probably like it much better, knowing that it's not just meant to be a story, but is about man's corrupt nature!. Of the books you listed it's one of the shorter ones!.

Gulliver’s Travels by Swift - also read this one when I was too young to understand the social commentary!. I don't remember liking it much, but then I was only about 12 when I read it!. It also is a long book!.

Of these - I'd recommend The Count of Monte Cristo most highly!.Www@QuestionHome@Com