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Question: How does public opinion change how likely you are to do something!? Advice for my example (the book Twilight)!?
The book Twilight has been out for forever, but I have so far refused to read it!. My reading level is higher than average for my age (14), and I just can't get myself to pick it up!.

Everyone is always talking about how GREAT it is!. From this comes two things stopping me from reading it!.

1!. I hate conformity!. I know it's not REALLY that, but still, I want to be different!. So reading it because a lot of others said I should/it was good just bothers me!.

2!. I'm not making a personal attack, but seriously, the general public is stupid (when I asked my mom about the this, that's what she said was it for her too)!.

I don't know whether I should even bother trusting people who go, "OMG, it's soooo good!." They honestly strike me as not very intelligent nor used to decent literature!.

I can't do it!.!.!. I tried!.!.!. I just can't read the book!.

Any suggestions!? Examples of your own!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The popularity of Twilight is a bizarre phenomenon to me!.

Anyone who knows me knows that I've been outspoken against the series' quick gain of undeserved praise from literary critics since I first read a page and threw up a little in my mouth!.

Poor writing, subpar plot and immature characters!. Yet, people love it!. Not just teens, either!.

I read the whole thing, and was no better off than when I started!. I read a Kafka book immediately afterward and it just reminded me what fiction is and how many brain cells I'd lost along the 400 page trail of Twilight!.

Now I'm on to some Bradbury and I feel like a burnout who quit smoking pot!.

And it's not just classic authors that have that brilliant touch of words, there are many contemporary fiction authors who retain the ability to write damned good fiction, so its modernity is no excuse!.

You can read it if you just want to know what everyone's raving about, but if you've already discovered its lackluster value chances are you won't find it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you Read the book you'll come to like it it's really for teens but its AMAZING i finished all 3 books in 2 days and i made a fan website!. the books are AMAZING I'm also going to the party on the first of august and they're releasing the new book at midnight!. im sooooooo desperate for that book!. PLZ JUST READ THEM!. YOU"LL LOVE THEMWww@QuestionHome@Com

to be honest Twilight was an okay book, but it seemed a little cliche to me!. its just a regular vampire romance book!.
the author drags on a tad bit through the other books,
but alltogether if u like romance/vampires/action u'll probably like this book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I do that a lot!. I did, however, read Twilight and liked it, but now I'm starting to hate it!. Hearing people talk on and on and on and on about something kind of kills it for me!. That's why I won't read a lot of teen fiction!. I understand exactly how you feel!. ^!.^Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have to say, I read Twilight a couple of weeks ago because my friends said it was really good and I couldn't put it down!. If I were you, I wouldn't not do something just because people suggest it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

lol, im not gonna read the books either!. im not too into the romance thing!. and yes, the vampire part is being way overdone in other books!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My friend Nicky reads them and I asked her if she thought they were my thing and she said no, so I haven't read them!. I'm into Stephen King anyway, and they're probably going to be too mild after him!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm gonna read Twilight right after I watch Titanic!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i read the book before the hype stared!. But i understand what you are saying i hated Narnia!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I, like you, refused to read the book!. Finally, I decided with the movie, it must not be just publicity, it must really truly be good!. It took alot of work but I read it!. After words I only had one regret!.!. being stubborn not reading it sooner!. It was truly the best book i have ever read!. I couldn't stop reading!. I had to go buy the sequels also which as well i couldn't stop reading!.!. So keep trying to read it!. it really is worth it!. people aren't just saying it!. I hope my story helps!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am not a young teen, in which the books are marketed to, but I do love them!.!.!.!.I like them because they have to do with life but have them tied into a cool world!.!.!.!.!.!.!.When I read them I can see something like that being real!.!.Like it could happen!. The writer makes it so real that you can help but think about it!. I found Harry Potter fun but not so real!.!.!.!.!.

You don't have to read the books but I wouldn't shoot them down because they are popular!. My hubby hates to read!.!.!.Says it is a wast of time, but he read the book for me and the only complaint he had was he did not like Bella, thought she was a stuck up whinny girl!.!.!.!.!.!.But my 16 year old (boy) cuz just started reading twilight(shock when he wanted use my book) and he like them!.!.!.!.!.likes Bella too!.

So just give The books a chance if you don't like them well only a few hours of your life!. but you never know it could change your views on things!.!.!.!.!.the way books often do!.!.!.

Edit here:
You are worried about Vamps being over done!.!.!.!.The author has never read or seen Vamp movies or books!.!.!.!.!.Not her thing she says!.!.The Vamps in this book are like no other!.!.more real in my view!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I agree with the no conforming thing!. I have a higher reading level also (at school i have 5-13+ reading level!. I'm 13!. btw!.) I like to read upper level books and all that, but I read the Twilight books before they were super popular!. They aren't half bad!. You might as well read the first one, you don't have to tell anyone, and if you get bored after the first few chapters then stop, but at least give it a chance!. If you're bored after Edward gets more developed, then give up, but at least TRY to read it all the way through!. Good luck with whatever you decide to do!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I kind of refused to read Twilight for a long time, but since I work in a library part of the week, I decided to give it a try since we get a lot of younger readers in there!. I actually loved it and have since read the other two!. It is not the most amazing book ever written of course, but it was enjoyable for me!. I don't really consider myself stupid (I know how you feel about the public!.!.!. I have to agree for the most part!), and I am a college student right now!. I really enjoy the classics and agree that Twilight doesn't rank up there with Pride and Prejudice or Anna Karenina, etc!

To answer your actual question: public opinion does have some influence on what I do in my life!. I don't like to admit it, but it does!.!.!. clothes, TV, movies, etc!. We humans are creatures that are quite linked to the hive at times!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

god, TWILIGHT IS SOOO OVERRATED!. I actually might have liked it if it wasn't so popular, but I just feel this weird thing, like if everyone loves something, i judge it more critically and expect a lot!. And I read it!. I don't get the hype at ALL!. Its the same thing, "I love you" "I love you MORE!" and its pathetic, the team edward and team jacob thing!. like no one has any interests other than pretending a fictional character is their boyfriend!. Its so pathertic, everywhere I turn there are people talking about it!. Its so annoying, and I can't ignore it!. the INTELLIGENT people will not be reading novels on a girl "in love " with a mythical creature and they "try" to have sex!.

And its pathetic how everyone is like "OMG ITS THE BEST BOOKS EVERRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111!!!"!. Like, REALLY!. how could you say that!? There are so many classics, and you think this teen chick book that will be forgotten in 20 years is the best boook ever!?!?

yeah, i kow i used the word pathetic a lot!. because this all is!. pathetic!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes!.!.!. I either refuse to do/see/listen to something or I want to know what the big deal is whenever something has a lot of hype surrounding it!. I've always been that way and I don't know why!. Whenever I gave in, though, I always ended up addicted!.

N*Sync (first grade!.!.!. haha, good times)
Harry Potter (finally saw the movie because it was my best friend's birthday, and now I'm a tad obsessed)
Lord of the Rings (didn't like it until the second movie, but I'm hooked on the books and movies)
Gilmore Girls (everyday in Social Studies everyone talked about it, and I wanted to see why!.!.!. It became one of my favorite shows)
Eragon (I wanted to know why everyone read it and I'm now anticipating September 20th)
Twilight (before it became the "cool" book to read, I heard a few of my friends talking about it and wanted to know why, so I read it!.!.!. It's good, but people go a bit overboard when talking about it)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I know how you feel about the comformity (I felt the same way and still do)!. But the masses have to get it right sometimes right!? And I believe that they did with Twilight!. Take it from a person who read it before it became famous (like the first month or so, when it was unknown)!. It is absolutely captivating!. The vampires don't seem overdone because it is so dissimilar to traditional folklore or dumb teen infatuation!. It really is a good read and you just have to put that nervous twitch about conformity behind you for a few hundred pages!. It is worth it!. Comformity sucks sometimes I know, but you can't isolate yourself from something good because it now has a popularity label!. I know I wouldn't jump off the Harry Potter bandwagon for nothing! Give it one more try! It is really good, and THAT'S why it has all of this attention!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Public opinion changes the chance of how likely you are to do something because if you hear something good about something, you either go for it or don't!. Like in your situation you want to be different!. So when you hear it's good and lots of people are reading it, you would rather read something else because you want to be different and other people are reading it!. But some people think that since other people are reading it, they should too because they want to be normal, and plus they heard it was good!. Our brains are very complex things that tend to groove to their own beat!. So many people are different than other people!. I'm personally just lazy when I hear about a good book and other people are reading it lol!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Okay, when you ask questions like this you are gonna get some bad comments because there are a ton of people out there who like Twilight!. I understand if you dont like it and you cant get yourself to read it but please dont insult it!. It makes you look like you are too good for it!. Especially when you say people are stupid when they say it is good!. It does have a good plot but Im not saying it is the best writing ever!. I really do like the story though but Im not obsessed with it like some people are!.

Just because people say its so good doesnt make them stupid!. That is a ridiculous assumption!. If it wasnt very good then they wouldnt have published it and people wouldnt be out there buying it!. Your assumption makes no sense!. But if you are right then there MUST be A LOT of dumb people then!. Like I said, you dont have to like the book just dont downgrade everyone out there who does!. It makes you look snotty and stuckup!. No offense, just think what youre gonna say before you say it!.

As for public opinion changing my actions: no, it doesn't!. Sometimes it might influence it or lean me towards a certain action but if I wanna read something then I will!. Or if I dont wanna read Harry Potter, persay, then I won't!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I was that way about the Harry Potter series when it came out (when it got popular I was about your age)!. I refused to read it for the same reason and then broke down and read it just to prove to others it wasn't that great!. And it wasn't, but at least I now had reasoning to back me up!.

Public opinion (or hype) is actually a reason why I do read things, just to see what the hype is about!. I then judge the book based on my own decisions and try not to get sucked up into what the masses believe!.

And for a side note, Twilight isn't the greatest thing since sliced bread, many other authors did similar story lines for years, but it's worth a read if just having the sole reason to have something to discuss with others!. But what you read is your choice just don't let what other people do discourage you from reading what could be an amazing book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I know what you mean!. I'm 15 and I find books like that too young and superficial for me!. The usual teen book that people say are great but usually turn out to be the usual bit, so predictable and so badly written!. The thing is that reading is what I enjoy not what people say are good or bad!. There is so much hype in Twilight but I read it because I felt like reading it!. I wouldn't say its the best book I read but certainly not the worst!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have a high reading level for my age too!.(14) It took ALOT of pushing from a librarian from a local library to get me to read Twilight!. My first thougt was vampires are so over-rated and a VAMPiRE LOVE STORy would be corny but it wasn't!. I mean it took a while to finish it because it seemed stupid at first but i liked the actual story!.!.But if you dont like them then!.!.!."To each their own!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

Someone else had posted a question on why some people refused to read twilight, and these were the reasons i gave her!.!.!.hopefully, this will help you out some!!

1!. The fact that so much of the story line seems to be about ROMANCE!. i mean, ok, a little romance, like harry potter or something just adds to the story, but when the WHOLE THING seems like romance!? no, count me out!.

2!. Yes, the vampire factor!. I am NOT one for creepy books, movies, or anything of that sort!. even though ive been told by friends that the vampires arent like that horrific or anything, vampires turn me off!.

3!. The obsessions of people on answers!. there are these insane girls who have no life, and keep ranting about the series, and more often, their "love" for edward!. So many peoples obsessions also make me feel like, "this sounds RETARDED" it must be a stupid mushy book that nobody in their RIGHT MIND would read!.

4!. The covers!. BLACK!. that also makes the book seem depressing and goth!. another turn-off!.

5!. People constantly telling me to read it, and how awesome it is!. that, annoys me to no end!. "I DONT wanna read a vampire love story! bug off!" and im one of those people, that is stubborn, and the more im told to do something, the less i want to do it!.


Everyone at my school was reading these books and would not shut up about them!!!

My sister and I refused to read them!. Vampires for goodness sake! We're in highschool!!! But my mom bought it for me on my birthday!. So I said, "ok, I give in I'll read it"

I love it!.

It is one of my favorite books of all time, I've also just read "The Host" Wonderful!!!

My sister refused to read them!. And so I bugged her about it, so did her friends, she gave in!. And now she won't shut up about them! These books are amazing, they pull you out of reality and into their own fantastic world!.

In my own oppinion, you should read them!. And the Host!.

Here is a small list of other books I like, it gives you an idea of if you might like it!.

Harry potter, golden compass, midnighters, so yesterday, Uglie/Pretty series, Peeps, Night,!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

M!.!.!. It may be worth it to you, but it's not to everyone!.

I've read Twilight six times and I absolutely hate it!. The only reason I read it is because I feel weird reading New Moon and Eclipse without reading Twilight too, since they are a series!. But I haven't read Twilight in ages-- I really, really, dislike it!. It was one of the stupidest books I've ever read!. I think it's horrible!. The writing is horrible, the story is horrible, the characters are idiotic, etc!. I don't like Twilight at ALL!.

I like New Moon and Eclipse because I have a major thing for Jacob Black!. But if he wasn't in them and the entire series was just about Bella and Edward, I wouldn't have read the rest of them!. As a matter of fact, the first time I read Twilight i wasn't even planning on reading the rest of the series!. I hated Twilight that much!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Coming at it from the perspective of someone (oh wow) about twice your age:

A brief caution re!. your first reason: Don't think you're edgy for not reading it, because that's no more unique than reading it!. However, if you don't want to read it, your not wanting to read it is just as valid as others' wanting to read it!.

If you think it's crap, sight unseen, then that's your decision and if people try to force you into reading a book, you won't enjoy reading it!. If people giving you their OMG awesome impressions aren't trusted sources, then don't trust them, but for all I know, you may (or may not) be missing out!.

Spend more time reading books _you_ want to read, and less time worrying about Twilight!.Www@QuestionHome@Com