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Question: For I am Legend fans!?
so if you read the book and saw the flick wich did you like better and WHY!. they were very different in my opinion, i liked the book better it seemed more realistic if that were to realy happen!. the zombies in the movie got on my nerves and the lead character made to many dumb mistakesWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I liked the book much better!. The movie just struck me as being another recycled action flick, and the first scene with Will Smith chasing a deer in a Mustang actually made me laugh!. The book, on the other hand, was pretty disturbing and you could almost feel the stress that the main character felt being the last man left alive!. I understand how that might not translate too well to a movie, but come on, they could have done better than that!. At least they didn't do what they planned to do originally and use Arnold Schwarzennager to play Robert Neville!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I din't read the book but I am Legend is a remake of a movie called omega man staring charlton heston made in the 70's which was a good movie for its day!. In that movie the zombies were living people who could not be in the day light and were dying slowly, the hated anyone who was not infected!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love Will Smith and the movie was great in theaters!.!.!.until i read the book!. The book is much better than the movie!. More action and the movie isn't even that similar to the original story!. I totally agree with you :) !Www@QuestionHome@Com

okay, i have been searching everywhere!.!.!.!. who is the author of i am legend, like the book!? because i really want to read it!
but, i think i would like the book better, because movies always get everything wrong!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The book! I despised the Hollywood-esque ending!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Book!! The film was great for the first 10 minutes but then it became boring and predictable!.Www@QuestionHome@Com