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Question: Edward Cullen Volturi!.!.!.!?
What exactly happened when Edward went to the Volturi!? I thought he went to ask them to kill him and then planned to go in the sun!.!.!.where they would have to in order to keep the mythical world private or something!.!.!.I am confused!!!


<3 KelseyWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I'm Team Jacob too! Heck yes! Jacob is AMAZING!

Edward though Bella had died so he went to the Volutri and asked them to kill him!. They refused because he's "valuable"!. He then started coming up with plans to *force* the Volturi into killing him-- throwing a car, killing someone (Alice said he was close to doing it, but decided not to because he didn't want to disappoint Carlisle), etc!. Eventually he decided he would keep it simple by stepping out into the sun!. Bella interfered and saved him!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Since he thought Bella was dead, he wanted to kill himself too, because he doesn't want to live without her or something!. So, he went to the Volturi to have them kill him (because it is very hard to kill vampires, and he knew that his family wouldn't kill him)!. So, he decided that he would walk out into the sun and expose the vampire and then the Volturi would have been pissed and would have killed him!. However, Bella stops him right before he walks into the sun, and at first he thinks he is dreaming (thats when he said "Carlisle was right" or something like that) And then they go to the Volturi, and the Volturi want Alice and Edward to join them (because of their special powers) but they don't want to!. And the Volturi say that since Bella knows the secret about vampires she has to be turned into a vampire in the future!. Then they leave!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

he went to the voulturi when he heard that bella jumped off a cliff and killed herself when really she didnt die she just did it to here his voice!. Edward asked them to kill him because bella was his life and now as he thought she was gone so when they refused he was gonna go out into the sunlight in front of everyone so they would see he was a vampire then the voulturi would have to kill him for exposeing that he was a vampire in front of everyone!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Edward went to Volturi, they didn't wanna kill him (thought he wuz valuable)
he decided to go out into sun to expose vampires (he sparkles in the sun)
The Volturi would kill him if he did that because they dont want humans to see vampires in sunlight
Bella makes it to him in time
Volturi comes anyway (he doesn't go into sun)
They let them go, but make Edward promise to make Bella vampireWww@QuestionHome@Com

Edward thought Bella committed suicide!. So he went to ask the Volturi to end his existence!. They denyed his request because the thought of it as a waste!. He was thinking of ways to expose himself to get himself destroyed!. Alice was aware and got Bella!. Bella and Alice travel to save him where Bella sees him about to go into the sunlight, which would have caused him to shimmer and glow!. Bella stops him just in time!.

Hope this helps (:

So I'm kinda like Switzerland :) Only Edward "Dazzles Me" :P

He didn't ask them to kill him, he planned to go in the sun, though!. If he went in the sun everyone at the "festival" would have seen him, for lack of a better word, sparkle!. The Volturi keep the vampires secret so they would kill Edward so he wouldn't try to do that again!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

He was going to get them to kill him and than so that he would expose them he was going to go in the sun!.

also i dont agree with you Team Edward Not jacob but thats your opinion

-Alice CullenWww@QuestionHome@Com

He asked them to kill him!.
He was going to jump off a building, and land!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

ur answer is already explained so!.!.!.
TEAM EDWARD!!!!!!!!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com