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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Why is it that i feel so very depressed after reading a wonderful book?

Question: Why is it that i feel so very depressed after reading a wonderful book!?
i just finished reading harry potter and the half blood prince(again) in under 7 hours total and im feeling pretty down!. why do i feel this way after i read!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I've been trying to figure this out for myself, since it happens to me a lot!. I haven't done very well so far!.

But I would have to say that, on a very basic level, it is because I am sad that the book is over!.

An interesting thing that I have noticed: I read very little YA fiction and read mostly thrillers that focus more on the plot then the characters!. Therefore, the characters are frequently cardboard cutouts and boring!. I don't miss them when the book is over!.

However, if I'm reading something like Harry Potter, where the plot is important, but the characters are even more important, I do feel a sense of sadness after the book is done!. So, with this reasoning in mind, it would seem like I'm upset because I miss the characters!.

Personally, I think it's a combination of missing the characters and a few other things!. I've also noticed the fact that I've also realized that if I read a book slower, I don't have that feeling so much at the end of it!. Especially when it's a book you've never read before, reading it quickly without stopping much-or if you have to stop, having the book in the back of your mind-creates a certain world!. If the book is good, you can feel like you're actually in the same world as Harry, Ron, and Hermione!. That's a sign of a good author!. And being taken out of that world so quickly can make you feel like you have lost something!.

Because it's happened to me a lot, I know which books I'll have that feeling at the end of (normally it's a book in a series)!. So I read slower and try not to think about it as much, just take my time!. I find that doing that really helps and can even eliminate the whole sad feeling at the end of the book!.

If you forget or don't want to do that, it always helps to remember that it is a book and not reality!. Going to websites dedicated to the book can really help with that!. Read interviews with the author!. Go to an online forum to discuss the book with others-they're pretty easy to find, especially Harry Potter ones!. (A side note: I've met some great people on forums like that!.)

Hope I could help!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I try to choose my books from prolific authors and I am always looking over the new book listings as well as the recommends and other lists on Amazon to see if there are any books like the ones I am enjoying!. I mark the dates on my calendar of the new releases for each series I read so that I always have something coming and I also know that next year there will usually be another book!. If I like a series I am really invested in the characters!. One of the series I have been reading is about an inspector in Israel!. I would be waiting anxiously for the next one!. He is in a place now where I do not like the woman he is with and was hoping that the next book would move him on because he has had a lot of relationships that have floundered!. WELL, the author died just before the release of this last book and I have not read it yet because I know there will be no more!. Wherever she left Michael is where he is going to stay from now on and I just hate the thought of closing that chapter as it were, in both our lives!. Good books make you invest yourself emotionally and if you didn't feel sad when they were over what would be the point of taking all that time to read them!?!?!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I get that way too, because there is an end to fiction, you read what they have out and even though you want to keep reading, it ends!. I go into a depression when I have read a series because I really got into them and then they end!. So, I have found that reading them again helps a ton as well as checking on line sites, from the author and major fan based sites that give daily updates!. My favorites from Harry Potter are Mugglenet and The Leaky Cauldron!. You can also start a new series!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

When reading a book we really enjoy we become part of it for the time it lasts!. By this I mean that our mind transports us into the world of the book while we are reading it!. This helps us enjoy the book whether we are reading fiction like the Harry Potter books or a moving non-fiction book like a biography of a famous person!.

When the book is over we have to leave the world our mind has transported us to for the real world!. As a result, we may feel a bit depressed!. But rejoice, you have learned to love reading!. The worlds of our greatest writers will never be far away!. Just remember you have to live in the real world of the here and now but when you have a moment to spare you may wish to pick up a good book to read!.

Exercise the mind by reading and exercise the body by doing stuff like swimming, biking, playing with friends, etc!.
If you do both there is nothing to stop you from reaching your full potential!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


Sometimes there comes along a great book that we don't want to see end!. All the characters are so detailed and vivid that they truly come to life in your mind's eye!.

The Harry Potter series was indeed one that brought fantasy characters right to our doorsteps!. We tend to live through them while we read and, in short, we are suddenly let down because when we're finished they no longer exist!.

Just remember they are only works of fiction written by a person with a very vivid imagination!. We all love to hate certain characters, just as I hated the woman who killed Harry's God-Father, Sirius Black, in Harry Potter and the order of the Phoenix!. This is true for the ones we suddenly come to love, too!.

I don't know if I'm right or not, and I just give you my feelings on it!.

PJ MWww@QuestionHome@Com

Because it's over, i alwasy feel that too, and it's odd!. When i read i'm always excited and flipping through the page, excited to find out the ending, and most of the time when i finish i'm a bit sad!. Maybe you didn't like the ending, lots of the time i want to know more about what happens, and i think the ending is to abrupt or else just wrong!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's probably because it's over! You've just spent 7 hours in a wonderful, wonderful world, and all of a sudden it ended and you were sucked back to your bedroom!. It can be a very depressing feeling!.

I find the best way to combat that feeling is to read the book again!. ~!.^Www@QuestionHome@Com

I know exactly what you mean!. This is why, after every really good series, I start to cry!. Even if the ending is happy, I'll bawl my freaking eyes out!. I cry because, in my mind, all the characters have died!. There will never be another chapter in their lives!. After a while, you'll accept the end!. It helps if you find a new series!.

Good luck getting over your recent loss!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think its because you're sad that its over, and the book ended!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

maybe because you're sad that it's overWww@QuestionHome@Com

its because you were sitting and staring into pages all day!. get out and do something fun!. go out to eat with friends, ride a bike, go swimming!.!.!.

your mood will change instantlyWww@QuestionHome@Com