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Question: Princess Diaries books, by Meg Cabot!?
I have read 1,2,3,4,4 and a half,5,6, and I am currently reading 7!.!. Has anybody read and LIKED the entire series of all the books!? What are all the next books!? What are some things that you liked about the book!.!. What are the next books called!? Anything about the series will help me out a lot! Thanks!


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I loved them!. I have read everything meg cabot has written!. she is the best!.

Princess Daires
Princess in the Spotlight
Princess in Love
Princess in Waiting
Project Princess (4!.5)
Princess in Pink
Princess in Training
The princess present (iv!.5)
Party Princess
Sweet sixteen Princess (vii!.5)
valentine princess (vii!.75)
Princess on the Brink
Princess mia (book 9)
Forever Princess (book 10)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I've read a lot of the books, but usually out of order!. But overall, I understood what was going on :)

*Book 7 is: The Princess Diaries, VII: Party Princess
*Book 7 and 1/2 : The Princess Diaries, VII and 1/2: Sweet Sixteen Princess
*Book 7 and 3/4: The Princess Diaries, VII and 3/4:
*Book 8: The Princess Diaries, VIII: Princess on the Brink
*Book 9: The Princess Diaries, IX: Princess Mia,

*Book 10 comes out December 2008!. It's called "Princess Diaries X: Forever Princess"

I liked the books l although Book 8 was a little depressing!.!.!.:)Www@QuestionHome@Com

book number eight is called (in england) after eight and number nine is to the nines!.

in america no eight is called princess on the brink and no 9 is Princess mia!.
i haven't read number 9 yet but i love all the other ones!.
what i like about the book is that it sounds realistic except for the whole princess thing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I loved the series!. Princess Mia (The latest one) was really good!.

Volume 71/2- Sweet Sixteen Princess
Volume 8- Princess on the brink
Volume 9- Princess MiaWww@QuestionHome@Com